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Minor Prophets, Part 1: Assyrian Crisis
Lesson OneIntroduction to the Prophets21 Activities|2 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Isaiah 20–27, Ezekiel 33–37, Zechariah 12–14
In | Introduction to the Prophets
In | Workbook: On What Grounds Does God Judge the Nations?
In | God's First Covenant Is Not with Israel
In | Judgment and the Day of the LORD
In | Judgment Is Meant to be Taken Literally
In | Workbook: "Seeing"
In | Hope
In | Restoration in Zion
In | The Remnant
In | The Sovereignty of God
Behind | Our Approach to the Prophets
Behind | The Historical Context of the Prophets
Behind | Prophets and Kings: 800-400 BC
Behind | Assyrian Invasion
Behind | iMap: Assyrian Invasion Map
In Front | The Remnant and the Gentiles
In Front | Prophets After the Old Testament
In Front | Workbook: Who is Someone You Think of as a Modern-Day Prophet?
Getting Started
Lesson TwoProphets and Prophecy20 Activities|2 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Isaiah 6; Jeremiah 1, 22, 36; Ezekiel 1–5; Hosea 1–3; Amos 1–3
In | Introduction to the Prophets
In | Workbook: Distinguishing the Prophets
In | God's Word and the Prophetic "Call" to Ministry
In | Workbook: "YHWH Saying", Part 1
In | Workbook: "YHWH Saying", Part 2
In | Workbook: Names of the Prophets
In | True and False Prophets
In | Professional Prophets
In | Terms for the Prophets
In | People of the Book
In | Living Parables
Behind | Prophets and Prophecy in the Ancient Near East
In Front | Being Called by God
In Front | Michael Card's "The Prophet"
In Front | Workbook: Michael Card's "The Prophet"
In Front | Discernment Among Many Voices
In Front | The Prophetic Word Today
Getting Started
Lesson ThreeAmos24 Activities|3 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Amos
In | Symbols for the Prophets
In | A Symbol for Amos
In | Classism in Amos, Part 2
In | Hollow Ritual
In | Alliances as "Insurance"
In | Workbook: The 4 I's
In | Keeping Faith, Covenant Loyalty
In | Amos and the Pentateuch, Part 2
In | Faithfulness to God and Neighbor
In | Amos and Leviticus
In | Recurring Phrases in Amos
In | The Fortunes of Israel, Part 2
Behind | Onsite: Amos, Shepherd and Fig-Pricker - Ronit Maoz
Behind | iMap: Places in Amos
In Front | Idolatry Today
In Front | Immorality Today
In Front | Injustice Today
In Front | Workbook: Reflecting on the 3 I's
In Front | Alliances Today
In Front | Amos and MLK
In Front | Workbook: Guiding Questions - Amos
Getting Started
Lesson FourHosea19 Activities|5 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Hosea
In | A Symbol for Hosea
In | Workbook: Hosea and Gomer
In | Idolatry and Marital Infidelity
In | Judgment
In | Mercy and Restoration
In | The Chiasm of Hosea
In | Workbook: The Chiasm of Hosea 1-3
In | Workbook: Simile in Hosea
Behind | The Northern Kingdom
In Front | God's Love and Rationalization
In Front | Workbook: Remaining Faithful
In Front | Religious Infidelity
In Front | Prediction and Fulfillment
In Front | Hosea and Romans 9
In Front | Death and the Afterlife
In Front | Workbook: Guiding Questions - Hosea
Getting Started
Lesson FiveJonah18 Activities|3 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Jonah
In | A Symbol for Jonah
In | Workbook: Jonah and the Superpowers
In | Living in the Shadow of a Superpower
In | What's the Point of Jonah
In | Jonah and Exodus
Behind | Tarshish and Nineveh
Behind | iMap: Jonah's Journey
Behind | Jonah and Jeroboam II
Behind | An Unwilling Oracle
In Front | Workbook: Jonah and Jesus
In Front | Jonah and Jesus
In Front | The Message of Jonah's Fourth Chapter
In Front | God's Mission to Missionaries
In Front | Workbook: People Who Should Be Beyond God's Mercy
In Front | Workbook: Guiding Questions - Jonah
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 21
Lesson 1, Activity 1
Getting Started
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
We are about to embark on a new expedition with the Old Testament prophets. You probably know some of them . . . if nothing else, you may know their names. If you’ve tried to read through all the Prophets, you’ve likely encountered some rough patches. There’s a lot of judgment. And prophetic judgment seems pretty harsh. With a little background you may actually be surprised at how much mercy and hope there is in the prophets. And we’ll discover that the great promises in these books are not just for the Jews.
This lesson will help us to get a big-picture orientation.