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Isaiah and Micah: Assyrian Crisis
Lesson OneIsaiah - YHWH and the Nations22 Activities|3 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Isaiah 1–6, 15–23, 28–30, 63
In | Workbook: Fire and Burning in Isaiah 1
In | A Symbol for Isaiah
In | God Is in Control of History
In | Workbook: YHWH and the Gods
In | Isaiah, YHWH and the Nations
In | God the Sovereign Over History and Nations
In | YHWH the King
In | Worship from the Nations
In | God the Judge of All Nations
In | Three Movements of Judgment in Isaiah
Behind | The Historical Setting
Behind | Two Dates in History, Part 2
Behind | The Assyrian Threat
Behind | Isaiah's Call
Behind | 360 View: Parables of the Vineyard and Winepress
In Front | Swords into Plowshares
In Front | Workbook: Swords into Plowshares
In Front | Workbook: Your Story As Part of His Story
In Front | Who Owns the Land: Abuna Elias Chacour
Getting Started
Lesson TwoIsaiah - YHWH and His People23 Activities|2 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Isaiah 7–14, 24–27, 31–39, 42, 46–48, 62–66
In | Workbook: YHWH vs Sennacherib
In | The Irony of Idols
In | The Irony of Political Alliances and Human Sovereigns
In | God's Kingdom and Human Kingdoms
In | A Remnant of Trees, Part 2
In | The Remnant
In | Ironic Ritual
In | Workbook: Anticipating the New Testament
In | The Holy Spirit
Behind | Ahaz and the Syro-Ephraimite War
Behind | The Map of the Middle East
Behind | Hezekiah and Sennacherib
Behind | Setting Up Ezra
Behind | The Irony and Appeal of Idols: Dr. Catherine McDowell
In Front | We Become What We Worship: Dr. Catherine McDowell
In Front | Idolatry Today: Dr. Catherine McDowell
In Front | Stand Firm in Faith
In Front | Pride and Reliance on God
In Front | Workbook: Pride and Faith
In Front | The Power of God's Word: Dr. Ramez Attalah
Getting Started
Lesson ThreeIsaiah's Anticipated Messiah24 Activities|4 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Isaiah 40–45, 49–57, 60–61
In | Workbook: Isaiah 61
In | Workbook: Anointed Servants and Kings
In | God's Anointed Servant-Ruler
In | The Servant and Royal Ideologies
In | Corporate Identity and Prophecy
In | Corporate Identity in the New Testament
In | Those Who Mourn in Zion, Part 2
In | The Death and Resurrection of Israel
In | Second Exodus
In | You Shall Not Be Overwhelmed, Part 2
In | Workbook: The Armor of God
In | Workbook: The Servant of Isaiah and 1 Peter
In | Bible Project: The Messiah
Behind | Onsite: A Way for the Lord - A Walk Along the Jordan: Rev. J. Bodin
Behind | Onsite: Second Exodus
Behind | Provision, Protection and Guidance: Abu Sabah
In Front | The Reign of Jesus, the Messiah
In Front | Workbook: Isaiah, Paul and John, Part 1
In Front | Workbook: Isaiah, Paul and John, Part 2
In Front | Workbook: A Suffering Messiah
In Front | Handel's Messiah
Getting Started
Lesson FourThe Authorship and Unity of Isaiah24 Activities|4 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Isaiah Review
In | Workbook: Authorship
In | Introduction to Isaiah's Authorship
In | Bible Project: Isaiah 1-39
In | Bible Project: Isaiah 40-66
In | Workbook: Distinctive and Unifying Emphases in Isaiah
In | Holy to the LORD, Part 2
In | Workbook: Sin and Hope in Isaiah
In | Sin and Hope in Isaiah
In | The Holy One of History: Covenant Images
In | Covenant Images in Isaiah, Part 2
Behind | Onsite: Wine Press
Behind | The Possible Audiences of Isaiah
Behind | Workbook: People Groups and Their Presence in Isaiah
Behind | Workbook: Cyrus the Great and the Authorship of Isaiah, Part 1
Behind | Workbook: Cyrus the Great and the Authorship of Isaiah, Part 2
Behind | The Multiple Author Hypothesis
Behind | The LORD as Potter, Part 1
Behind | The LORD as Potter, Part 2
Behind | Onsite: Song of a Vineyard - Judgment for Foul Produce
In Front | Justice and Worship of the One True God: Dr. Daniel Carroll
In Front | Workbook: Guiding Questions - Isaiah
Getting Started
Lesson FiveMicah17 Activities|2 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Micah
In | A Symbol for Micah
In | Cycles of Judgment and Redemption
In | Hiding in the Forest, Part 2
In | Out of Fruitful Bethlehem, Part 2
In | Giving and Reciprocity
In | God Takes Sin Personally
In | Mercy and Restoration
In | What Does God Require of You: Dr. Dan Block
In | Puns
Behind | The Reigns of Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah
Behind | Do Shepherds Have Swords?
In Front | Justice and Mercy . . . Today
In Front | Workbook: Justice and Mercy at Every Level
In Front | Micah 6:8
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 31
Lesson 1, Activity 16
Behind | Isaiah’s Call
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
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