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Ezekiel and Daniel: Babylonian Crisis
Lesson OneEzekiel's Prophetic Word (Ezekiel 1–24)19 Activities|2 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Ezekiel 1–24
In | A Symbol for Ezekiel
In | The Watchman and Generational Accountability
In | Outline of Ezekiel
In | Priestly Prophets
In | Workbook: A Prophet Like Moses
In | Spokesmen for the Word
In | A Sovereign Yet Responsive God
In | Living Parable Assignments
In | Parables
In | Workbook: Difficult Passages in Ezekiel
In | Ezekiel and the Prophets
Behind | A Symbolic Act at Mari
In Front | Onsite: The Kimyal People Receive God's Word
In Front | Workbook: The Kimyal People
In Front | Ezekiel in Art and Film, Part 1
In Front | Workbook: Today's Watchperson
Getting Started
Lesson TwoEzekiel: Israel's Shame and Restoration (Ezekiel 25–39)22 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Ezekiel 25–39
In | Departing His House, Part 2
In | Workbook: God Will Let Go
In | Judgment and Covenant Curses
In | Workbook: Oracles Against Foreign Nations, Part 1
In | Workbook: Oracles Against Foreign Nations, Part 2
In | Workbook: Oracles Against Foreign Nations, Part 3
In | God's Anguish and Israel's Shame
In | The New Covenant
In | Reversals in Ezekiel
In | The Restoration of Israel . . . and the Nations
In | A Return to Eden, Part 1
In | A Return to Eden, Part 2
In | Leadership
Behind | Idolatry
Behind | Onsite: Anemones and the Worship of Tammuz - Ronit Maoz
Behind | Babylonian Cherubim
In Front | Ezekiel and the New Testament
In Front | Workbook: Theodoret and Ezekiel's River
In Front | Theodoret and Ezekiel's River
Getting Started
Lesson ThreeEzekiel's Distinctive Message (Ezekiel 40–48)24 Activities|2 Assessments
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Ezekiel 40–48
In | Blood on Their Own Heads, Part 2
In | Divine Pretenders
In | Divine Pretenders and Apocalyptic Enemies
In | Celestial Powers and Archetypal Enemies
In | Holiness
In | The Temple as a Source of Living Water
In | The Dimensions of the Temple in Ezekiel's Vision
In | Ezekiel’s Visionary Temple
In | Ezekiel and Revelation
In | Ezekiel and Revelation 20-22
Behind | Onsite: Life-Giving Water - Steve Wunderink
Behind | Empires and the Illusion of Power
Behind | Onsite: Egypt, the Monster in the Sea
Behind | Workbook: Tyre's International Trade Record, Part 1
Behind | Workbook: Tyre's International Trade Record, Part 2
Behind | The Ethnocentrism of Empires
In Front | Power and Pretense
In Front | The Glory of God: "That they may know"
In Front | Workbook: Reflection
In Front | Workbook: You, the Temple
In Front | Workbook: Guiding Questions - Ezekiel
Getting Started
Lesson FourDaniel: Dreams and Prophecies (Daniel 1–3, 9–12)18 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Daniel 1–3, 9–12
In | Workbook: Who's Belteshazzar?
In | Introducing Daniel
In | Daniel's Outline
In | Chiasm
In | Daniel Chiasm
In | Joseph, Daniel and the Dreams of Kings
In | Daniel and the 70 Years of Jeremiah
Behind | Astronomy and the Ancient Arts
Behind | Babylonian Astronomy
Behind | The History Foreseen in Daniel
In Front | Prophecy and Apocalyptic, Part 1
In Front | Prophecy and Apocalyptic, Part 2
In Front | Interpretations of Daniel
In Front | Workbook: The Temptation of Code-Breaking
In Front | Daniel's Prayer: Anne Graham Lotz
Getting Started
Lesson FiveDaniel: Kings and Kingdoms (Daniel 4–8)18 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Daniel 4–8
In | Workbook: Rivals and Opposition
In | Workbook: Daniel 10-12
In | God's People Threatened by an Arrogant Ruler
In | Four Kingdoms and the Kingdom of God
In | Workbook: Daniel and the Nations
In | Workbook: Jesus and the Lions' Den
In | Jesus and the Lions' Den
In | Workbook: Nebuchadnezzar and Jesus
Behind | Kings and Kingdoms
Behind | Lions
In Front | Dating Daniel and the Evidence of Predictive Prophecy
In Front | God's Sovereignty and Rule
In Front | Crazy Old Nebuchadnezzar
In Front | Nebuchadnezzar and the “Neb”
In Front | Workbook: Daniel and Civil Disobedience
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 21
Lesson 1, Activity 8
In | Spokesmen for the Word
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
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