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Esther, Ezra and Nehemiah: Persian Period and Restoration
Lesson OneDiaspora Stories (Esther 1–7)16 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Esther 1–7
In | The Timeline
In | Diaspora
In | Diaspora Stories and Heroes
In | Nehemiah 9
In | Workbook: Nehemiah 9
In | The Importance of Vindication
In | Plot #1: Guilt and Reconciliation
In | Plot #2: Dishonor and Vindication
In | Plots Converge in Jesus
Behind | Building a Home in Egypt
Behind | iMap: Post-Exile Diaspora
In Front | Modern-Day Dishonor and Vindication: Louis Zamperini
In Front | Workbook: Modern-Day Dishonor and Vindication - Louis Zamperini
Getting Started
Lesson TwoOverview of Esther (Esther 8–10)14 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Esther 8–10
In | Workbook: A Royal Beauty Pageant
In | Chiasm in Esther
In | A Book of 10 Banquets
In | The Hiddenness of God
In | Workbook: Echoes in Esther
In | Inner-biblical Echoes in Esther
In | Esther and Joseph
Behind | Workbook: Editions (and Additions) of Esther
Behind | Esther and the Canon
In Front | Signs and Esther
In Front | Workbook: The Hidden Hand of God in Your Life
Getting Started
Lesson ThreeThe Character of Esther (Esther Review)14 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Esther
In | Workbook: The Courage of Esther
In | What Else Is Esther About?
In | Workbook: Narrative Liturgy
In | The Gospels as Narrative Liturgy
In | The "Meaning" of Stories
In | Esther and Character Formation
Behind | Workbook: The Historicity of Esther
Behind | The Historicity of Esther
In Front | Christianity Today: Moments of Crisis
In Front | Crisis, Character, Calling, Competence and Community
In Front | The Holocaust and Bible Interpretation
Getting Started
Lesson FourEzra15 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Ezra
In | Workbook: Ezra 1 and Exodus
In | Ezra's Place in the Bible Story
In | Introduction to Ezra
In | Workbook: Introducing Ezra
In | A Difficult Scene in Ezra
In | Ezra 10
Behind | iMap: Exile and Return
Behind | Second Temple Period
Behind | Persian Kings and the Bible
Behind | The Persian Empire
In Front | Purity and Assimilation Today
In Front | Workbook: Purity and Assimilation in Your Life
Getting Started
Lesson FiveNehemiah17 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Nehemiah
In | Workbook: A Persian Cupbearer
In | Introduction to Nehemiah
In | Workbook: Comparing Three Prayers
In | Workbook: Nehemiah's Leadership in Action
Behind | Collective Identity
Behind | Setting the Stage for the New Testament
Behind | A Temple State
Behind | The Walls of Nehemiah
Behind | Tensions Between the Samaritans and Jews
In Front | Nehemiah and Leadership
In Front | Affairs of State and Favor with Those in Authority
In Front | Workbook: The Best Citizens and the Biggest Threat
In Front | Eschatology as "The Already" and "Not Yet"
In Front | Workbook: Guiding Questions - Esther, Ezra and Nehemiah
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 16
Lesson 1, Activity 6
In | Nehemiah 9
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
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If you’ve been journeying with us through the Old Testament from Genesis onward, you’ve seen this cycle of lament come up in the pre-exile stories and in other Old Testament texts, especially in the Psalms. Now we are seeing it again in the exilic stories.