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Review Questions

These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.

  1. In understanding the prophets, what are the two main sources of our confusion
  2. What are the results of this confusion? What should we do in response to this confusion?
  3. What was the true mental state of the Old Testament prophets?
  4. Contrast the two outlooks on prophetic inspiration mentioned in the lesson.
  5. Contrast the two approaches to exegesis mentioned in the lesson.
  6. What are the two characteristics of proper exegesis?
  7. How does popular exegesis hinder us as we seek to understand the original meaning of prophecy? How does proper exegesis help us?
  8. How did Jesus and the apostles affirm the authority of Old Testament prophets
  9. How did Jesus and His followers apply Old Testament prophecies to events happening in their day?

Application Questions

Application questions are appropriate for written assignments or as topics for group discussions. For written assignments, it is recommended that answers not exceed one page in length.

  1. Describe the problems that might be created in a church that experienced the types of confusion mentioned in the lesson.
  2. What are some improper responses to this confusion? What is the proper way to respond to this confusion?
  3. Using an Old Testament prophecy as an example, explain how popular exegesis of that prophecy can lead to misunderstanding and problems and how proper exegesis can lead to understanding and useful application.
  4. In light of the importance of original meaning, what process should we follow in order to apply Old Testament prophecy to events in our day?
  5. What is the most significant insight you have learned from this study? Why?