Lesson 8, Activity 3

Further Study

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Review Questions

These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.

  1. Describe the cycles of blessing and cursing that Moses foresaw for God’s people.
  2. Describe Moses’ view in which three stages of covenant life would eventually culminate in great blessing for God’s faithful people.
  3. In what ways was the early prophets’ eschatology similar to Moses’ eschatology?
  4. In what ways did the early prophets add to Moses’ eschatology?
  5. What was Jeremiah’s expectation regarding the length of the exile and how was this fulfilled?
  6. What prophetic insight did Daniel give regarding the exile and restoration?
  7. In the final outlooks of later prophetic eschatology, during the restoration period, what were the early and later hopes and how did they differ?
  8. Briefly describe the New Testament’s terms gospel, kingdom, and latter days and explain how they relate to one another.
  9. Describe the three stages of the restoration of the kingdom in the New Testament age.
  10. How does the New Testament handle the theme of exile in the three stages of the kingdom?
  11. How does the New Testament handle the theme of restoration in the three stages of the kingdom?

Application Questions

Application questions are appropriate for written assignments or as topics for group discussions. For written assignments, it is recommended that answers not exceed one page in length.

  1. How do covenant blessings and curses apply to believers today?
  2. How might the behavior of the modern church affect the way the kingdom comes in the future?
  3. What might have happened if God’s people in the Old Testament had been more faithful in the days before the exile? In the days of the exile? In the restoration after the exile?
  4. Explain why John the Baptist’s expectation for the kingdom of God was common in his day.
  5. How do you feel knowing that Jesus will completely fulfill all the restoration promises from the Old Testament?
  6. How should the understanding that we are living during the continuation of the kingdom of God affect the way modern Christians read Scripture and apply it to their lives?
  7. If we embrace the picture of biblical eschatology taught in this lesson, how might our views of God, ourselves, unbelievers, and the creation itself be changed?
  8. What is the most significant insight you have learned from this study? Why?