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The Pentateuch: Genesis – Deuteronomy

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Review Questions

These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.

  1. How does Moses tell us the struggle between Jacob and Esau began in Genesis 25:19-34?
  2. What do the reports of Jacob’s lineage, Isaac’s death, and Esau’s lineage in Genesis 35:16-37:1 tell us about the end of the struggle between Jacob and Esau?
  3. Describe Isaac’s interactions with the Philistines. What did Isaac’s peace with the Philistines mean for Moses’ original audience?
  4. Why did Jacob’s encounter with the Canaanites in Genesis 33:18–35:15 turn into conflict? How did Jacob respond to the situation?
  5. Describe the antagonism between Jacob and Esau that caused their hostile separation in Genesis 26:34–28:22.
  6. What events led to the peaceful separation between the brothers in Genesis 32:1–33:17?
  7. What occurred during Jacob’s time with Laban in Genesis 29:1–31:55? Why is this episode pivotal in Moses’ account of Jacob’s life?
  8. How was God’s grace to Jacob particularly relevant for Moses’s original audience?
  9. In what ways did Moses use Jacob’s life to inspire his audience to show loyalty to God?
  10. What evidence do we see in Scripture that God blessed Jacob both despite his disobedience and in response to his obedience?
  11. What was God’s special commission to Abraham in Genesis 12:2-3, and how is this commission reflected in the story of Jacob?

Application Questions

Application questions are intended for group discussions.

  1. We learn in Genesis 25:23 that God showed grace to Jacob even before he was born. How does this verse influence your understanding of God? How might it also impact our relationships with unbelievers?
  2. When Jacob submitted to God at Jabbok he was given the new name Israel. How is this name change similar to what happens to us at conversion? Did you experience something similar after submitting your life to God?
  3. Jacob received grace from God despite his own failings. What are some examples of times when you received grace despite your own failings? How might your experiences encourage those in your area of ministry?
  4. How might God’s grace despite your failings help you be compassionate towards those in your churches that have failed in various ways?
  5. Moses emphasized that God fulfilled his promises to Jacob and all of Israel. What promises does God give the church today, and how might these stories reinforce your hope that God will continue to be faithful in our day?
  6. What is the final “Promised Land” for Christ’s church? What assurances do we have that we will one day inherit this land?
  7. How does it humble and encourage you to recall that Jesus obeyed where you sinned, and that he has imputed his perfect righteousness to you?
  8. In the continuation of the kingdom, we are called to lives of obedience. In what areas of your life do you find yourself most challenged to obey God? What are some areas where the people you serve experience this challenge, and how can you best encourage them?
  9. Reflect on some specific blessings that God has granted you. How have these blessings helped you face challenges in your life?
  10. What are some practical ways you and your congregation can extend God’s blessings to those who do not yet follow Jesus?
  11. How should the hope of Jesus’ return and the consummation of his kingdom impact your preaching and teaching today?
  12. Take a moment to read 1 John 3:1-3. In what ways will we be like Jesus? And how can you and your congregation prepare for this day in the present time?
  13. What is the most significant thing you learned in this lesson?