Lesson 1, Activity 3

Further Study

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Review Questions

These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.

  1. Explain the traditional ancient Jewish and Christian positions on the authorship and date of the book of Joshua. How are these perspectives expressed in the Talmud?
  2. Describe Martin Noth’s view of the authorship and date of the book of Joshua. How has Noth’s work, The Deuteronomistic History, influenced modern critical scholars?
  3. What outlooks do modern evangelical scholars hold in regard to the authorship and date of the book of Joshua? Include reasons and examples that support these views.
  4. List each book in Israel’s “Primary History” from Genesis to Kings. Give a very brief synopsis of each. How does this list help determine when the book of Joshua reached completion?
  5. Describe the three major divisions that make up the book of Joshua. How does each division begin? What is the main focus of each division?
  6. Why did the author of Joshua write his book? What did he expect his original audience in “their world” to learn from what had happened in “that world” of Joshua’s day?
  7. How did Jesus fulfill the expectations established in the book of Joshua during the inauguration of his kingdom?
  8. In the continuation of Christ’s kingdom, how does the church participate in the twofold strategy that Jesus established to expand his victorious conquest across the globe?
  9. How will Jesus fulfill Joshua’s hopes of victorious conquest, tribal inheritances, and covenant loyalty when he returns at the final consummation of his kingdom?

Application Questions

Application questions are intended for group discussions.

  1. Do uncertainties regarding the authorship of the book of Joshua cause you any concern? Why or why not?
  2. It’s impossible for us to determine a precise date for when the book of Joshua reached completion. How might this imprecision affect the way we apply the book today?
  3. Do the various genres in the book of Joshua impact the way you read it? Explain your answer.
  4. The book of Joshua indicates that Joshua and Israel’s army were participating in the primeval conflict between God and Satan. How does this information change the way you view Joshua’s conquest of Canaan? How does it impact your understanding of current struggles in your church?
  5. How would you respond to someone who believes that Christians should physically attack God’s enemies, just as Joshua and the Israelites did?
  6. Israel’s possession of Canaan was rooted in God’s primeval call for human dominion over the earth. What are some practical ways that Christians today can participate in God’s commission to fill and subdue the earth?
  7. The book of Joshua makes it clear that God’s people should remain loyal to God’s covenant. How might you encourage those around you to remain loyal to the new covenant in Christ while teaching or preaching through this book?
  8. Jesus is the greater Joshua. He is our commander who leads us to a victory that he has already secured on the cross. How do the various ministries of the church today contribute to the final victory secured by Christ?
  9. As the church today, Jesus calls us to further the defeat of Satan and evil spirits and to proclaim the good news to those around us. How can your personal life as a Christian contribute to the final defeat of Satan and evil spirits?
  10. Although Jesus’ sacrificial atonement saves us from judgment, we are still required to be faithful to God. How would you use the book of Joshua to encourage faithful obedience to God?
  11. At the consummation of Christ’s kingdom, God’s mercy toward unbelievers will end and their devastation will be final. How should the future destiny of unbelievers cause us to live our lives today?
  12. What is the most significant thing you learned in this lesson?