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Review Questions

These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.

  1. How much time did Hosea’s ministry span?
  2. In what year did the united kingdom of David and Solomon divide into two kingdoms?
  3. Hosea focused his ministry on events involving the _________ Empire.
  4. In Hosea’s day, did the gap between the rich and the poor grow bigger or smaller?
  5. Of the kings listed in Hosea 1:1, which ruled over Israel?
  6. Which “Jeroboam” reigned during Hosea’s ministry?
  7. Hosea’s ministry began near what year, and ended sometime before what year?
  8. What factors indicate Hosea’s orientation toward the northern kingdom?
  9. Why were Zechariah, Shallum, Menahem, Pekahiah, Pekah, and Hoshea omitted from Hosea 1:1?
  10. What proof did the leaders of Judah give to Hosea to show God’s approval of all they did?
  11. Broadly speaking, we can refer to the troubles that Hosea predicted as the period of the _______.
  12. Note the year that these three events occurred.
    1. Tilath-Pileser III became emperor of Assyria: _____
    2. Assyria invades Israel: _____
    3. The Assyrians utterly destroy the kingdom of Israel: _____
  13. Which Israelite king joined the “Syrian-Israelite coalition” in an attempt to free himself from paying tribute to Tiglath-Pileser III?
  14. Unlike his grandfather and father, ________ rejected God and promoted idolatry and injustice.
  15. To whom did king Hoshea turn to for protection when Tiglath-Pileser died?
  16. In 722 B.C., which Assyrian king brought about the complete destruction of Samaria and drove most of the population of Israel into exile?
  17. Like other prophets, Hosea had the special role of serving as God’s emissary or ambassador who announced how God was going to implement His ________ policies.
  18. How does the lesson explain the meaning of “that world”?
  19. How does the lesson explain the meaning of “their world”?
  20. Did Hosea compose his book before the kingdom of Israel was destroyed in 722 B.C.?
  21. How do critical interpreters come to their conclusions on the date of Hosea?
  22. We can rightly conclude that Hosea was composed during the reign of ________.
  23. Where did Hosea probably write most of his prophecies?
  24. In 701 B.C., who invaded Judah, destroying many cities, towns and villages, and even laid siege to Jerusalem?
  25. Even though God had delivered Jerusalem, Hezekiah sought after an alliance with ________.
  26. Hosea summarized the purpose for his book in what passage?
  27. In reading Hosea’s own summary of the book bearing his name, what can we conclude about the purpose of the book?
  28. How did Hosea arrange his book?
  29. In the first division of Hosea (1:2-3:5), how does the author speak about Judah?
  30. What was Gomer, Hosea’s wife, known for practicing?
  31. What is the setting for Hosea 2?
  32. Who or what did Hosea have in mind when he referenced a “mother” in Hosea 2:2?
  33. What did God command Hosea to do with Gomer after she returned to her way of life as a worship prostitute?
  34. In Hosea 4:1, the term “charge” is the technical term for what word?
  35. We can be fairly certain Hosea’s prophecy in Hosea 5:1 came around 732 B.C. because he mentions which two cities?
  36. In ancient Israel, armies were often called into battle with what instrument?
  37. Who did the Assyrians establish as king of Israel after their victory over Israel in 732 B.C.?
  38. What was the historical context for the second call for alarm in Hosea 8:1-9:9?
  39. Name each comparison God made with Israel according to its section in the third division of Hosea:
    1. Hosea 9:10-12 _______________
    2. Hosea 9:13-17 _______________
    3. Hosea 10:1-10 _______________
    4. Hosea 10:11-15 _______________
    5. Hosea 11:1-14:8 _______________
  40. Was it likely that Israel’s comparison to fruit in Hosea 9:10-12 was revealed along with other earlier prophecies in 722 B.C.?
  41. What do we see Israel doing with their wealth in Hosea 10:1?
  42. The historical context of the “Beloved Child” section (11:1-14:8) is confirmed by the fact that in 11:12 and 12:2-6, Hosea also prophesied against ________.
  43. Why was judgment not the end of Israel’s story?

Application Questions

Application questions are appropriate for written assignments or as topics for group discussions. For written assignments, it is recommended that answers not exceed one page in length.

  1. The time of the prophet Hosea was a time of spiritual unfaithfulness in Israel and Judah. How would you describe the spiritual condition of the Church today around the world?
  2. If God were to send a prophet like Hosea to your own local church today, what things do you think He would say to them through the prophet?
  3. Do you think God still speaks to His people today? In what ways? What do you think He is telling them?
  4. Have you ever been challenged to show love to someone you considered very immoral, like Gomer? How did you react? Did you learn to love that person? If so, what helped you?
  5. Reflections on Hosea 14:4
    • Read Hosea 14:4 and answer the questions:
    • How did God say He would love Israel?
    • What did He say He would do in response to their apostasy?
    • What did God say about His anger?
    • What can we learn about God’s love from this verse?
    • How does this verse make you feel?
    • How do you think you should treat other people in response to God’ love? Write down your thoughts.
    • What else can we learn from this verse? Write down your reflections.