Prayer Basics
Lesson OneWhy Pray?8 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TwoWhy Not Ask?7 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson ThreeWhen You Don’t Know What to Say7 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FourObstacles to Prayer7 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FivePraying for Others7 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson SixPraying with Others6 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson SevenPrayer and Fasting6 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson EightWhat about “Unanswered” Prayer?7 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson NinePersevering in Prayer7 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TenLiving a Prayer-Filled Life7 Activities|1 Assessment
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion2 Activities
Participants 890
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Christian Learning Center › Forums › What new insights about the importance of prayer did you gather from this lesson?
Tagged: SF120-01
What new insights about the importance of prayer did you gather from this lesson?
Fred Brown replied 1 day, 3 hours ago 156 Members · 160 Replies
Jeremiah 33:3 – “Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.”
We can speak to, ask, seek and find answers from Him. This verse shows that as our relationship with Him grows, He will teach us and show us so much more. -
New insights about the importance of pray that I had gather from some of the scriptural versers are , In Colossians 4: 2 God asked us to pray continually: So we hold fast and not let go, we be persistent in praying. In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 God said to pray without ceasing; We need to pray regularly and persistently. In Hebrews 11:6 said that without faith it is impossible to please God: God wants us to believe that he exist and that the God of the scriptures is the only real and true God who exists and he will rewards our faith in him with forgiveness and righteousness as promised.
God is always willing to listen, he is just waiting for his people to be willing to talk and have a relationship with him.
God already knows what we are going to pray about before we even get started, therefore there is no need for rambling.
Even when we think he is not listening or answering our prayers, he is! Our answers come on God’s timing not our own.
So always have patience with God, just as he is patient with us. -
That God cares about me and what I am going through and that when I pray He bends and listens.