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Prayer Basics

  1. Lesson One
    Why Pray?
    8 Activities
    1 Assessment
  2. Lesson Two
    Why Not Ask?
    7 Activities
    1 Assessment
  3. Lesson Three
    When You Don’t Know What to Say
    7 Activities
    1 Assessment
  4. Lesson Four
    Obstacles to Prayer
    7 Activities
    1 Assessment
  5. Lesson Five
    Praying for Others
    7 Activities
    1 Assessment
  6. Lesson Six
    Praying with Others
    6 Activities
    1 Assessment
  7. Lesson Seven
    Prayer and Fasting
    6 Activities
    1 Assessment
  8. Lesson Eight
    What about “Unanswered” Prayer?
    7 Activities
    1 Assessment
  9. Lesson Nine
    Persevering in Prayer
    7 Activities
    1 Assessment
  10. Lesson Ten
    Living a Prayer-Filled Life
    7 Activities
    1 Assessment
  11. Course Wrap-Up
    Course Completion
    2 Activities
Lesson 1, Activity 5

Share Your Thoughts

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Share your response to the following question.

This activity supports learning objective 3.

Christian Learning Center Forums What new insights about the importance of prayer did you gather from this lesson?


  • Margaret Mosser

    01/11/2025 at 21:05

    What really stuck out to me is the verse from Isaiah 37 that reads in part, “Because you prayed”. This shows just how important prayer is.

  • Carla Burkhart

    01/10/2025 at 17:26

    I pray and talk to the Lord all day. I talk to Him like He is my closest friend. I have seen answered prayers in my life many, many times. I have seen answered prayer in others lives. too.

  • Pearl Kiaha

    01/09/2025 at 12:18

    Prayer has always been important to me. This Psalm is a reminder to continue to cry out to the Lord, call His name, and know He hears me.

  • Adi-Naitey Puplampu

    01/03/2025 at 16:37

    Not a new insight but a verse that drives home clearly and explicitly the principle that we do not pray to seek his hand or strength only, but to seek his face (1 Chr. 16:11). This connects to my experience in that, scripture and sermons can be ‘theoretical’ however our relationship with God and his word become real as we respond first in prayer.

  • James Brewer

    01/03/2025 at 11:21

    How IMPORTANT prayer actually is for believers.

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