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Life-Minded: Belonging to God and Each Other

  1. Lesson one
    10 Activities
    1 Assessment
  2. Lesson Two
    9 Activities
    1 Assessment
  3. Lesson Three
    9 Activities
    1 Assessment
  4. Lesson Four
    9 Activities
    1 Assessment
  5. Lesson Five
    9 Activities
    1 Assessment
  6. Lesson Six
    9 Activities
    1 Assessment
  7. Lesson Seven
    9 Activities
    1 Assessment
  8. Lesson Eight
    9 Activities
    1 Assessment
  9. Course Wrap-up
    Course Completion
    2 Activities
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

If we faithfully uphold this first practice—that of living fully devoted to God—then the other practices in this study will take care of themselves. If true—and the Scriptures themselves say it is!—then living fully devoted to God will set in motion other laudable practices in our lives:

  • Our full devotion to God will catalyze curiosity regarding others’ circumstances and needs.
  • Our full devotion to God will catalyze discernment regarding how we might help meet those needs.
  • Our full devotion to God will catalyze a posture not of antagonism toward the world but of peace.
  • Our full devotion to God will catalyze a spirit not of selfishness but of service.
  • Our full devotion to God will catalyze forgiveness toward those who have wronged us, recognizing that Christ himself was also terribly wronged.
  • Our full devotion to God will catalyze awe toward God and his creation.
  • Our full devotion to God will catalyze both our willingness and our ability to extend grace to those who need it most.
– Brady Boyd

In this lesson, you learned how to:

  1. Explain what it means to be devoted to God and how Scripture supports this practice.
  2. Reflect on your own priorities and what you devote yourself to.
  3. Identify priorities for practicing devotion.

Continue to Lesson 2: Curiosity to learn how practicing curiosity can enrich and deepen your relationships and spiritual growth.