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Christian Learning Center Forums Describe a couple of ways that your ideas and feelings about the trials and tests you experience changed as a result of this lesson.


  • Trudy Williams

    05/21/2024 at 12:51

    As a result of this lesson,James 1:2-4 is clearer to me. The “joy” part while going through something was hard for me to understand. I didn’t understand that trails and tests were God’s response to my desire to be more “Christ-like.” I understand now, and except that unfavorable circumstances are “nothing to compare” to the final results!

  • Donna Spader

    01/28/2024 at 18:18

    I can relate having felt the same when trials have come my way. As a matter of fact, I’m in a major trial now, ovarian cancer stage 4b, having completed my last chemo therapy six months ago. Every now and then I question God why did this happen seeing I was in excellent health and with the genetics testing showing no genetic link. Talk about a life changer! Just from completing session one I have a better understanding why we go through trials and that God is with us 24/7 working all things out for good according to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. This website and courses are a God send to help me better understand Him and His ways and how eventually I can help others who are struggling with questions.

  • Tamika Tyler

    08/25/2023 at 12:45

    I have often walked through trials full of anxiety, fear, and frustration. I’ve had the mentality that if I do everything “right” and I love the Lord, then I shouldn’t have to endure such hardships. However, God never promised that we wouldn’t have to go through things. In fact, John 16:33 actually tells us that we will have trouble, but to take heart because Jesus has overcome the world! We are already victorious over whatever comes our way, because we choose to walk with Him. So, when those tests come, I will be reminded that Jesus is in my corner; though the process may be hard, He will give me what I need to manage each day. So, I will walk in each day praising Him, allowing His joy to fill me up and overflow.

Christian Learning Center Forums List as many differences as you can between how God feels about the tests of faith and how most people feel. Have you been able to agree with the Lord’s perspective yet? How would it change your life if you did?


  • List as many differences as you can between how God feels about the tests of faith and how most people feel. Have you been able to agree with the Lord’s perspective yet? How would it change your life if you did?

    Posted by info on 04/24/2023 at 11:27
    Trudy Williams replied 8 months, 3 weeks ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Trudy Williams

    05/21/2024 at 13:09
    • God’s test of faith are as “trying gold in fire to remove impurities.” So that we may be more like Him.
    • God’s test and trials are for our good, in order to perfect, strengthen, and mature us.
    • God’s test of our faith is an ” initiation into His mysteries.
    • God’s test are an opportunity for rewards now and in heaven.


    People feel like tests aren’t necessary, because we have a unrealistic ” I’m fine just as I am” attitude; nor, do we like anything that upsets our plans or personal pleasures.

    Yes, I’m able to agree with The Lord’s perspective; even more so, as time and circumstances has finally caused it to “sink into” my mind the futility of fighting against God. One very good result of submission to God’s will is greater Peace. He won’t leave us comfortless. Hallelujah. Amen.


  • Donna Spader

    01/28/2024 at 18:22

    When a difficult trial appears, most people first question God why this happened. Then they feel angry or let down with God because it happened whereas God desires us to rely on Him and build a relationship with Him which is what my major trial has eventually taught me. God is with me all the way and He will never leave me nor forsake me but keep working on me for my betterment to serve Him.

  • Ursula Penn

    09/11/2023 at 13:17

    I feel challenged or even angry or grievous when God feels this is for my own good. He loves me and wants us to be obedient. I am hoping to gain a greater understanding

  • Tamika Tyler

    08/25/2023 at 12:35

    God’s perspective: Tests build character. They strengthen our faith. Help us to rely on and trust Him more.

    My perspective: Tests are hard. They can be painful to walk through. They cause fear of the unknown to be erected.

    But knowing the truth of God’s Word, understanding that He is a God that keeps His promises, makes it a little easier to peacefully lean on Him as He walks me through the process.

Christian Learning Center Forums Responding with “joy” and “rejoicing” in your tests brings great freedom and peace to us—and joy to the Lord because it proves you really understand God’s heart and motives. Briefly explain how you’re going to respond in your next test of faith. (You can also write a short note to yourself outside of this discussion forum about how you will respond in your next test of faith. Keep this note and read it when you are tested.)


  • Responding with “joy” and “rejoicing” in your tests brings great freedom and peace to us—and joy to the Lord because it proves you really understand God’s heart and motives. Briefly explain how you’re going to respond in your next test of faith. (You can also write a short note to yourself outside of this discussion forum about how you will respond in your next test of faith. Keep this note and read it when you are tested.)

    Posted by info on 04/24/2023 at 11:32
    Trudy Williams replied 8 months, 3 weeks ago 15 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • Trudy Williams

    05/21/2024 at 13:12

    I pray that I respond with trusting in God above all else.

  • Adrian Fardy

    02/17/2024 at 15:16

    Help me Lord to appreciate and endure the gift You want to give me through trials to test my faith, to help me stay strong and focused, and endure to the end.

  • Donna Spader

    01/28/2024 at 18:23

    I am getting closer and closer to God, relying fully on Him for strength, understanding, and comfort to face what ever outcome that will come my way.

  • Carol Loney

    09/12/2023 at 15:07

    I am in a trial at the moment and didn’t label it as such until now, so I have not been “rejoicing or counting it all joy!” This lecture has given. me a new perspective. Thank you!

  • Ursula Penn

    09/11/2023 at 11:30

    When a trial comes to me I will remember what was said, that God is good and only gives me this trial of faith for my own good to make me more perfect. In this I can praise him.

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