Lesson 5, Activity 3

Discussion Questions

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Christian Learning Center Forums The deepest Belief Test focuses on the question “Why?”—the Purpose of God. List three statements or questions where we challenge God’s Purpose when we are suffering under despair, like “How could a good God allow that to happen?” How would you respond to those questions?


  • The deepest Belief Test focuses on the question “Why?”—the Purpose of God. List three statements or questions where we challenge God’s Purpose when we are suffering under despair, like “How could a good God allow that to happen?” How would you respond to those questions?

    Posted by info on 04/24/2023 at 12:00
    Arthur Morgan replied 3 months, 1 week ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Arthur Morgan

    11/11/2024 at 23:07


  • Trudy Williams

    05/23/2024 at 18:52

    “Why?” is usually the first question, then “What’s the purpose of this?”

    A good God allows “that” to happen to show His sovereignty over His creation. The biggest, original “Why?” began in heaven when Lucifer wanted to be God; and he has expedited questioning God ever since. God is God alone.

Christian Learning Center Forums How are you going to successfully handle the next Belief Test that challenges you in your weakest area? You’ll move into doubting and questioning God, right before unbelief raises its ugly head in rebellion. What steps will you take to reverse your path and pass the next Belief Test?


  • How are you going to successfully handle the next Belief Test that challenges you in your weakest area? You’ll move into doubting and questioning God, right before unbelief raises its ugly head in rebellion. What steps will you take to reverse your path and pass the next Belief Test?

    Posted by info on 04/24/2023 at 12:02
    Trudy Williams replied 9 months ago 7 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Trudy Williams

    05/23/2024 at 18:55

    I pray the Holy Spirit upholds me as I grow in having complete faith in God. In Christ alone.

  • Ursula Penn

    10/30/2023 at 14:36

    Always pray and believe He will bring you through. Remember the key bible verses or reread them. It will give us the strength we/I need

  • Elsa E Diaz

    07/23/2023 at 16:01

    I will gracefully call on God for his wisdom and provisions to see me through the testing of faith. Seeking his face and presence and power to make known his plain in purpose at the time of testing. Cause I do know that with out him I can’t pass the test. AMEN

  • David

    07/21/2023 at 23:18

    I think for me it’s going to be reflecting on the past and understanding that’s Gods purpose is loving and good. He wants me to succeed and depend on him and him alone.

  • Patricia

    06/19/2023 at 07:59

    To successfully handle the next Belief test, I will seek God first. Everything that happen in my life is allowed by God and I rely on His promises that I will never leave alone in my distress and He let these challenges to happen for my good. He is ever present with me to overcome and to pass my test of belief.

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