Lesson 1, Activity 3

Discussion Questions

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Christian Learning Center Forums How did your study on the doctrine of Christ give you a deeper love for the Savior?


  • David Como

    03/22/2023 at 19:06

    He is continually and effectively working on our behalf. So when I struggle and worry about small things, I am neglecting the fact that Christ is in complete control and taking care of me.

  • Alberto

    03/13/2023 at 19:45

    His selfless act on the cross for my sin and salvation

  • Clinton Van winkle

    02/04/2023 at 13:25

    The more I realize how wretched man is, the more our need for Christ grows.

  • Joe Carter

    01/15/2023 at 22:27

    To know how we can never repay or understand why He did what He did for us who believe.

  • Joyce Richardson

    12/27/2022 at 06:45

    Studying the Word and trying to learn more of God is so very important to me. I have always felt that something is wrong with me and how I feel and react to God and the world. I want more than anything to love God and learn/want to serve Him regardless of what my “feelings” may or may not be.

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Christian Learning Center Forums What impressed you about the idea of “adorning the doctrine of God”?


  • Christopher Delong

    01/08/2022 at 02:02

    As the Scripture tell us, that we are to do all things as unto the Lord, and this is a beautiful reminder of how it is we all should be living. As children of the Living God, and not as this world. We are to be the ones standing up for those who are being mistreated, laughed at, mocked, we are to be literally a Living Bible, we are the Bible that most people will ever read, and I pray that they are reading the Holy Scriptures as they look at us and make there little jokes, and I pray that they are not reading the comics as they watch our lives. We are to be living every moment to bring glory and honor to our Lord and Savior, I always say, that people may be mean, foul mouthed, dirty jokes, but are we still being an example of what we all have been called to be, or are we laughing at the dirty jokes, are we joining in on belittling someone, are we the ones mistreating a person. we need to remember that as long as a person has the breath of life in them, we are to pray for that person, we are to be a living example to that person, it does not excuse their behavior, but its a simple reminder that they are a soul in need of a Savior.

  • Lucas Gagne

    01/04/2022 at 18:20

    It is a different take on an idea that is often thought of as stiff and librarian – it makes the idea of doctrine more accessible and useful.

  • Lula Howard

    01/03/2022 at 16:11

    The thing that impressed me about the idea of adorning the doctrine of God is that it is not only taught and believed. The doctrine of God must be practiced and this is sometimes lacking in Christians.

  • Lal Tluang

    12/17/2021 at 01:34

    What impressed me is that when I adore the doctrine of God, it makes me clean and straight as well

  • Terry

    12/01/2021 at 12:37

    That when I live my life as God wants me to I bring glory to His name.

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