Lesson 1, Activity 3

Discussion Questions

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Christian Learning Center Forums How did your study on the doctrine of Christ give you a deeper love for the Savior?


  • Nam Lieu Nguyen Hoang

    11/09/2024 at 01:11

    Understand His Divinity and humanity. Understand His love for people, and most importantly, He is the eternal glory who died for human sins, resurrected Glory and waited for Him to judge the world

  • Juan Peralta

    11/04/2024 at 00:22

    The more I know God the more I love him

  • Karen Bush

    11/02/2024 at 23:17

    Words are not able to describe the gratitude that I feel. We are blessed to be so loved by Him

  • Lynda Park

    10/17/2024 at 17:17

    It very clearly spells out the things that I believe about God and Christ with references to scriptures as support. It puts very clearly into words the ways that I think about who God and Christ are in my own life.

  • Mitch Henson

    09/25/2024 at 17:01

    My study of the Doctrine of Christ and reflecting on what Jesus did for us and the love He showed for us re affirms for me how much I have grattitude for everything He did for us and He is the only one that could do everything He did. And He is our Lord and Savior

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Christian Learning Center Forums What impressed you about the idea of “adorning the doctrine of God”?


  • jedidiah Johnson

    07/09/2024 at 13:50

    It is a lifestyle

  • Peggy Fuchs

    07/03/2024 at 09:00

    Adorning anything means paying respect to it and elevating it above others. It suggests that we honour it by demonstrating its spirit and effectiveness in full and by modelling its significance for others. We are to demonstrate the teaching’s superiority in our own lives by demonstrating what the doctrine can accomplish when used by the Holy Spirit to bring about global reform.

  • Chris Weeks

    06/23/2024 at 18:48

    That we can put on what we believe for others to see.

  • Kim Teck Pua

    06/16/2024 at 12:06

    Adorning the doctrine of God ultimately result in the glorification of God, and attract people to God. It is not a showing off of self but but directing the attention to God.

  • Randall Morritt

    06/03/2024 at 22:30

    Everything we do should have the purpose of bringing honour, glory, and praise to God. (1 Cor. 10:31) Our lives should demonstrate Christ (Gal. 2:20; 1 Pet. 4:7-11) and elicit praise for Him from them, (Matt. 5:14-16) even, ultimately, from those who may not, initially, appreciate the righteousness they observe. (1 Pet. 2:11, 12; 3:13-18)

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