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Review Questions

These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.

  1. Briefly explain what theological technical terms are and how they are used.
  2. Explain how terms and concepts relate to each other in general language and in Scriptural language.
  3. Explain why systematic theologians need technical terms in systematic theology.
  4. Explain how technical terms serve as the basic building blocks of systematic theology.
  5. How does an understanding of technical terms help us in building systematic theology?
  6. Explain the three ways in which systematic theologians form technical terms from Scripture.
  7. Explain the three ways in which systematic theologians form technical terms from extra-biblical language.
  8. Why is it important to understand how theological technical terms are created?
  9. Describe how the special language of systematic theology can both enhance and hinder Christian living.
  10. Describe how technical terms can both enhance and hinder interaction in community.
  11. Describe how technical terms can both enhance and hinder the exegesis of Scripture.
  12. Given the potential hindrances created by theological technical terms, why is it still important to use them?

Application Questions

Application questions are appropriate for written assignments or as topics for group discussions. For written assignments, it is recommended that answers not exceed one page in length.

  1. Give at least one example each of how non-theological technical terms can both help and hinder communication in everyday life.
  2. How can the principles “many terms can describe one concept” and “one concept can describe many terms” help you in your understanding and interpretation of Scripture?
  3. What does the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) imply about our use of extra-biblical language?
  4. How can the use of biblical and extra-biblical language aid our understanding of Scripture?
  5. How can you, as student of theology, guard against the sin of pride?
  6. How can terminological freedom and conceptual conformity to Scripture enhance your ability to match passages of Scripture to particular topics?
  7. Explain the values and dangers of the term trinity as it relates to Christian living, interaction in community, or exegesis.

Discussion Video

Additional information concerning the lesson topic is provided in a video presentation of a question and answer session. If you are struggling to understand any portion of the lesson or if you would simply like to deepen your understanding of the subject, this video will be helpful.