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Review Questions

These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.

  1. Describe doctrinal statements in terms of topics, synthesis, and explanations of doctrinal statements.
  2. Explain how Jesus and Paul gave legitimacy to the practice of creating doctrines.
  3. Describe the way in which doctrines are shaped by both positive and negative goals.
  4. Describe the place doctrines have within systematic theology.
  5. Explain how doctrines are simply ways in which we summarize what we believe about the Bible.
  6. Explain how systematicians use biblical support to substantiate the formation of theological doctrines.
  7. Briefly describe the use of logical support in the formation of systematic theology in terms of authority, deductive implications and inductive certainty.
  8. Explain the importance of using both logic and Scripture in formulating theological doctrines.
  9. Explain how theological doctrines both enhance and hinder Christian living.
  10. Explain how theological doctrines both enhance and hinder interaction in community.
  11. Explain how theological doctrines both enhance and hinder exegesis of Scripture.
  12. How does the awareness and proper navigation of the inherent dangers of forming theological doctrines help us to reap the enhancements that theological doctrines provide?

Application Questions

Application questions are appropriate for written assignments or as topics for group discussions. For written assignments, it is recommended that answers not exceed one page in length.

  1. Suppose a friend were to say to you, “Creeds and catechisms have no authority because they are not found in Scripture.” How would you respond to your friend?
  2. Why is it important not to overemphasize God’s transcendence or His immanence? Why is it important to remember our finitude when seeking to understand theological doctrines?
  3. How should Christians respond to the fact that doctrines are only probable rather than certain?
  4. As a student of the Bible, how can thinking about doctrinal certainty in terms of the cone of certainty be of value to you?
  5. Does your community give its attention mostly to doctrine, personal religious experience or corporate worship? How can you balance and appreciate the different emphases within the body of Christ?

Discussion Video

Additional information concerning the lesson topic is provided in a video presentation of a question and answer session. If you are struggling to understand any portion of the lesson or if you would simply like to deepen your understanding of the subject, this video will be helpful.