Lesson 4, Activity 3
Further Study
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Review Questions
These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.
- When did God make his plan to redeem human beings from the corruption and consequences of our sin? Use specific Scripture references to support your answer.
- What role did each member of the Trinity assume in God’s eternal counsel?
- What is the covenant of grace? How does the covenant of grace fulfill part of God’s plan for what will happen in history?
- How did human sin make the covenant of grace necessary? In what ways is the covenant of grace different from the covenant of works?
- How does Christ act as our mediator in the covenant of grace? When did he begin to mediate the covenant of grace? Why is his mediation necessary for our redemption?
- Describe, in as much detail as possible, God’s benevolence to human beings in the covenant of grace.
- Although Jesus has fulfilled the requirements of loyalty in the covenant of grace, and the only thing we absolutely have to do to be saved is possess saving faith in God, explain how our actions still have covenant consequences for this world and the next. Use specific Scripture references to support your answer.
- Describe how the covenant of grace includes and expands on all the covenant consequences, both curses and blessings, of the covenant of works.
- List the historical administrations of the covenant of grace and their covenant representatives from Adam to Jesus. Beginning with the Adamic covenant, describe the goals of each successive administration.
- How do we know that, in the new covenant, God is renewing or reaffirming his covenant with his people and not abandoning the covenant he’s sworn to keep?
Application Questions
Application questions are appropriate for written assignments or as topics for group discussions. For written assignments, it is recommended that answers not exceed one page in length.
- God knew before he created the world that humanity would fall into sin, and he created a plan for our redemption. Why do you think this plan gives God greater glory than if he had simply created humans without the ability to disobey him?
- Scripture tells us that God chose us for salvation from the beginning. Should this convict believers to live in a certain way? How has this understanding affected the way you live your own life?
- Without God’s grace we will never be able to fulfill the cultural mandate of Genesis 1:28. How is God’s grace evident as you strive to fulfill this mandate? How might this encourage others around you who are working toward the same goal?
- What are three major views regarding how the Spirit works to bring us to faith? Which view do you tend to agree with most and why?
- Though we live under the covenant of grace, God still demands our obedience. How would you respond to a Christian who believes that as long as we profess faith in Jesus, we don’t have to worry about obeying God?
- Eventually, believers will be in a state of non posse peccare — unable to sin. What do you most look forward to when considering this future reality?
- Older theologians sometimes referred to Adam’s sin as a “fortunate” or “happy” event. How would you explain this to someone who has never heard of the covenant of grace?
- How does the historical development of the covenant of grace’s administrations help you better understand how God fulfilled his purposes for humanity in Christ?
- What is the most significant thing you learned in this lesson?