Lesson 3, Activity 3
Further Study
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Review Questions
These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.
- Why is it necessary for Christ to return to earth?
- What does the Bible teach us about the manner of Christ’s return? What will it look like? How will we recognize him? Use specific Scripture references to support your answer.
- The lesson tells us that the timing of Christ’s return is a “divine mystery.” Citing specific Scripture references, explain what this means.
- Scripture mentions several circumstances that are precursors to Christ’s return. Describe three of the precursors that will precede Jesus’ second advent.
- Evangelicals interpret the precursors to Christ’s return using a variety of strategies. List and explain the four main evangelical interpretive strategies associated with the signs of the times.
- What are the predominate beliefs of those who hold to the millennial view of historic premillennialism?
- What is the basic timeline assumed by those who hold to the view of dispensational premillennialism?
- What is postmillennialism? How does it differ from premillennial views of the millennium?
- What does the term “amillennialism” literally mean? What is the amillennial view of the millennium, and how is it different from postmillennialism?
Application Questions
Application questions are appropriate for written assignments or as topics for group discussions. For written assignments, it is recommended that answers not exceed one page in length.
- How much do the people in your Christian community understand about the kingdom of God? How might this affect your ministry to them?
- God’s covenant with Abraham can seem very removed from modern-day Christians. What are some ways that the Abrahamic covenant is still relevant today?
- When you contemplate the future earthly reign of Christ, what do you look forward to the most? Why?
- The New Testament teaches that when Jesus returns, he’ll appear triumphantly “with power and great glory.” How does our hope in a future triumphant return of Christ reassure us in our daily struggles and trials?
- How is it possible that Jesus didn’t know the date of his return? Why do you think God made this a divine mystery, even for Jesus?
- The circumstances that Scripture says will precede Christ’s return create legitimate expectations for how the future may unfold. How do these precursors to the second coming warn and encourage you as you prepare for Christ’s arrival?
- The lesson describes four evangelical interpretive strategies (preterism, futurism, historicism, idealism). How does each strategy help us understand various aspects of Scripture?
- Do you consider yourself to be a premillennialist, postmillennialist or amillennialist? Why? What passages in Scripture can you cite to support your position?
- Why is it important to acknowledge, along with Justin Martyr, that “many who belong to the pure and pious faith, and are true Christians” do not share our same views about the timing and details of the millennium?
- What is the most significant thing you learned in this lesson?