Lesson 4, Activity 3
Further Study
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Review Questions
These questions are designed to help you review important material covered in the lecture.
- Explain the two predominant first-century schools of thought concerning the resurrection of the dead. Give the rationale for each view. Using Scripture, demonstrate which position Jesus, Paul and the rest of the early church took on this issue.
- What is divine authority? Explain the nature of God’s authority in the general resurrection over both hell and heaven.
- What effect will the general resurrection have on creation? How will it impact the natural world, hell, and heaven?
- What effect will the general resurrection have on human beings? Who will be included? What will our resurrected bodies be like?
- Who will be the judge at the final judgment? Who will assist him? Use specific Scripture references in your answer.
- List and describe the three parties or groups that will face the final judgment.
- What do we mean when we say that God will consider every piece of evidence in the final judgment in order to ensure that perfect justice is upheld? Will everyone be held to the same level of accountability, or will we be judged according to our own situations?
- In the final judgment, Christ will render two types of decisions: curses for those that have done evil and blessings for those that have done good. What will be the final outcomes of both of these decisions?
- How will the new heavens and new earth reach a state of purity? In what way does this compare to the flood in Noah’s day? How is it different?
- Will God create a completely new heavens and new earth, or will he renew the current heavens and earth? Give evidence from Scripture to support your answer.
- Explain some of the geography of the new heavens and new earth. How will the natural and supernatural realms become a unified kingdom? What does Scripture tell us about the New Jerusalem?
Application Questions
Application questions are appropriate for written assignments or as topics for group discussions. For written assignments, it is recommended that answers not exceed one page in length.
- Why is it important to affirm the physical resurrection of the body?
- Scripture teaches that God has complete authority over both heaven and hell. How does this challenge the popular notion that hell is controlled by Satan?
- What are some common misperceptions about hell? Respond to at least three of these misperceptions using biblical references to support your answers.
- What do the Bible’s descriptions of God’s heavenly throne room tell us about God’s character?
- Read Romans 8:19-23. What do you think Paul meant when he said that creation is “groaning” and that believers “groan inwardly”? What kinds of things cause us to groan as we “wait eagerly for … the redemption of our bodies”?
- Many Christians look forward to going to heaven, but Scripture tells us that God has something even better for us in the new heavens and new earth. How might this change the way you talk about the future God has planned for humanity?
- Why has God chosen to restore our bodies to our souls in the general resurrection rather than leaving us as disembodied spirits?
- Is the knowledge that Jesus will be your judge a comforting thought to you or a fearful one? Why?
- James 3:1 says that teachers within the church will be judged even more strictly than other believers. How does this challenge you in your own ministries of preaching and teaching?
- The apostle Paul taught that those who have never heard the gospel will still be judged and condemned at the final judgment. How does this urge you to be more faithful in your personal witness and in the corporate witness of your church?
- The final judgment is intended to punish the wicked and reward the righteous. How do you feel about preaching the forgiveness of sins through Christ to murderers and other criminals? Is there anyone who doesn’t deserve to hear the gospel? Explain your answer.
- What do you look forward to most in the new heavens and new earth?
- What is the most significant thing you learned in this lesson?