Doctrine of Man and Sin
Lesson OneViews of Anthropology and Creation3 Activities
Lesson TwoCreation and Elements of Humanity3 Activities
Lesson ThreeDichotomy vs. Trichotomy3 Activities
Lesson FourThe Image of God3 Activities
Lesson FiveThe Image of God in the Elements3 Activities
Lesson SixThe Image of God in Freedom and Morality3 Activities
Lesson SevenThe Fall of Man3 Activities
Lesson EightNorms Concerning the Image of God3 Activities
Lesson NineThe Covenant Principle3 Activities
Lesson TenAssessment of Covenant Theology3 Activities
Lesson ElevenThe Nature of Sin: Dualism3 Activities
Lesson TwelveThe Nature of Sin: Denial3 Activities
Lesson ThirteenThe Origin of Evil: Scriptural Approach2 Activities
Lesson FourteenOrigin of Sin: Divine or Satanic?3 Activities
Lesson FifteenThe Impact of Sin on Humanity3 Activities
Lesson SixteenViews on Original Sin and Depravity3 Activities
Lesson SeventeenPelagianism3 Activities
Lesson EighteenSemi-Pelagianism3 Activities
Lesson NineteenAugustinianism3 Activities
Lesson TwentyAdam’s Sin and His Descendants3 Activities
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 35
Lesson Overview
What is anthropology? What thoughts come to mind at the mention of this term? Dr. Roger Nicole begins the course by defining the field of anthropology in both the secular and religious sense. As is explained in the lecture, anthropology in the religious sense looks at our future as well as our past. Dr. Nicole then begins a discussion of the Creation account of Genesis, and addresses some of the most frequent questions that skeptics and Christians alike ask: When did creation occur? How old is the earth? Dr. Nicole ends the lecture with an explanation and critique of the theory of evolution, offering the most current scholarship on the soundness of Darwin’s theory.
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