Doctrine of Salvation
Lesson OneSalvation and the Trinity3 Activities
Lesson TwoTheological Terms3 Activities
Lesson ThreeThe Decrees of God3 Activities
Lesson FourAlternatives/Objections to Decrees3 Activities
Lesson FiveObjections to Decrees3 Activities
Lesson SixThe Sincerity of God's Offer3 Activities
Lesson SevenLuther vs. Erasmus3 Activities
Lesson EightPredestination and Antinomianism3 Activities
Lesson NineThe Order of the Decrees3 Activities
Lesson TenJustification3 Activities
Lesson ElevenJustification and Roman Catholicism3 Activities
Lesson TwelveAdoption3 Activities
Lesson ThirteenRegeneration3 Activities
Lesson FourteenConversion3 Activities
Lesson FifteenSanctification3 Activities
Lesson SixteenSanctification and Perfectionism – Part I3 Activities
Lesson SeventeenSanctification and Perfectionism – Part II2 Activities
Lesson EighteenThe Fruit of the Spirit2 Activities
Lesson NineteenPerseverance – Part I3 Activities
Lesson TwentyPerseverance – Part II3 Activities
Lesson Twenty-OnePerseverance – Part III2 Activities
Lesson Twenty-TwoGlorification3 Activities
Lesson Twenty-ThreeUnion with Christ3 Activities
Lesson Twenty-FourThe Proper Response3 Activities
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 40
Lesson Overview
Before delving too deeply into the study of salvation (soteriology), it is necessary to define some of the key terms that are a part of the course’s vocabulary. Dr. Roger Nicole approaches this group of theological terms by grouping them according to their relation to the three parts of the Trinity. Thus our understanding of the relationships between these parts becomes more clear. In this lecture, definition of key terms will establish clearly how God predestines our salvation, how Christ accomplishes our salvation, and how the Spirit applies the work of Christ to our wretched situation.
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