Financial New Year’s Resolutions | ODB University

Financial New Year’s Resolutions

Photo by Ýlona María Rybka on Unsplash

If you’re like most of us

. . . getting your finances in order may seem like an elusive dream. 

How can I give generously when I live from paycheck to paycheck?

How can I save for the future when I don’t have enough for today?

With rising costs, when will I ever have enough money?

If you have taken the new course, Give, Save, and SpendFinancial Discipleship Study, you have had a small taste of what Compass – Finances God’s Way has to offer you. 

Whether you are beginning on this road to financial freedom OR you want to know how you can teach others, Compass can help you. 

Let this year be the year you relieve yourself of financial strain and take control of your finances!