Give, Save, and Spend – Financial Discipleship Study

God has much to say about money and possessions. By putting these lessons into practice, you can experience true financial freedom and a deeper relationship with God.

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Take your life, your finances, and your relationship with God to the next level. In these six lessons, you will learn what God says about money and possessions, how to apply them to your life, and how to grow on your journey to financial discipleship. Discover how to live a life of purpose and contentment by trusting God with your finances.

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of what the Bible says about money and possessions, providing a solid foundation for making financial decisions in alignment with your faith.
  • Learn how to practically apply biblical principles on money management to your daily life.
  • Develop strategies and principles that lead to financial freedom.
  • Learn to trust God with your finances and recognize the spiritual aspects of money management.
  • Discover how to live a life of contentment, purpose, and generosity through wise financial stewardship.
  • Develop the skills to set long-term financial goals and create a plan for your financial future that aligns with your faith and values.
  • Understand the importance of generosity and giving as a central aspect of financial discipleship. Participants will learn to give with a cheerful heart.
  • This course is a must take!

    — Vivian, Canada
  • You will grow spiritually in the Lord.

    — Marcella, United States
  • Corso ben fondato biblicamente, molto istruttivo e di grande utilità pratica. Non può mancare nella vita di un discepolo.

    — Giovanni, Italy
  • A good course that gives good principles on how to be a wise faithful steward of finances, and that goes beyond that to discipleship, which is like wise management of one's life. At certain points, it parallels BF112 which I have taken, but BF110 is perhaps wider in scope. Its teaching is well written and, I think, written with heart - such that at some points I almost teared, reading it. If I have the chance, I want to teach others these same things and with the same heart.

    — Leong, Singapore
  • This course is mind- opening to how God views finances and how we are to steward (be responsible) for the things He entrusts to us. This course isn't just from a "my time on earth" perspective but teaches how things we do now will have eternal weight. God loves us, so naturally, He cares about how you manage your finances.

    — Fredrick, United States
  • Given our current financial times, this information is timeless and essential.

    — Tamra, United States
  • The course was not too difficult and was not too simple to complete. It was a good crash course into the biblical foundation for financial discipleship.

    — Jedidiah, United States
  • This is a very informative course to explain how to handle one's finances in a biblical fashion. I highly recommend it.

    — Helen, United States
  • If you want a closer walk with the Lord Jesus Christ, this is good.

    — Shirley, United States
  • I have sent this website address to other Christian people so they can take the course.

    — Sandy, United States
  • Really good place to start. The course has made me think about my finances and how to be good and faithful steward of God.

    — Ali, United Kingdom
  • The course is thorough, and gives essential biblical direction and insight.

    — Rick, United States
  • Great course, very insightful. I think I'll gain greater self-control when it comes to spending.

    — Terri, United States
  • This course has deepened my faith in Jesus Christ and taught me about how to spend and save my money. From this study, the Holy Spirit has laid on my heart that I wasn’t being faithful to God and that I can be faithful to Him financially. From this day forth, I am going to faithfully be a good steward of my finances.

    — William, United States
  • An excellent course!

    — Russell, Canada

Course Content

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Lesson Six
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Course Details

  • Medium Effort
  • 6 Lessons
  • 2 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

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Compass—Finances God’s Way

Course Provider


Course content is provided courtesy of Compass Financial Ministry.