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Conquest and Settlement
Lesson OneGeneral Introduction1 Activity
Lesson TwoPreparing to Enter the Land (Joshua 1-2)1 Activity
Lesson ThreeCrossing the Jordan River (Joshua 3-5)1 Activity
Lesson FourThe Conquest of Jericho (Joshua 6:1-19)1 Activity
Lesson FiveThe Collapse of the Walls (Joshua 6:20-26)1 Activity
Lesson SixThe Defeat of Ai (Joshua 7-8)1 Activity
Lesson SevenWorship and Warfare (Joshua 8:30-10:11)1 Activity
Lesson EightThe Day the Sun Stood Still (Joshua 10:12-43)1 Activity
Lesson NineThe Northern Campaign (Joshua 11-12)1 Activity
Lesson TenThe Inheritance Described (Joshua 13-19)1 Activity
Lesson ElevenPreparations for Settlement (Joshua 20-22)1 Activity
Lesson TwelveThe Last Words of Joshua (Joshua 23-24)1 Activity
Lesson ThirteenIntroduction to the Judges (Judges 1)1 Activity
Lesson FourteenThe Reasons for Failure (Judges 2:1-3:5)1 Activity
Lesson FifteenGains and Losses (Judges 3:9-5:31)1 Activity
Lesson SixteenGideon: Man of Valor (Judges 6-9)1 Activity
Lesson SeventeenJephthah's Vow (Judges 10-12)1 Activity
Lesson EighteenSamson: Man of Strength (Judges 13-16)1 Activity
Lesson NineteenThe Danite Migration (Judges 17-19)1 Activity
Lesson TwentyThe Benjamite War (Judges 20-21)1 Activity
Lesson Twenty-OneThe Journey of Ruth (Ruth 1)1 Activity
Lesson Twenty-TwoThe Gleaning of Ruth (Ruth 2)1 Activity
Lesson Twenty-ThreeThe Appeal of Ruth (Ruth 3)1 Activity
Lesson Twenty-FourThe Marriage of Ruth (Ruth 4)1 Activity
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 23
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