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Exodus, Part 1: Covenant People Rescued
Lesson OneRescuer Prepared (Ex 1-6)26 Activities|1 Assessment
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Exodus 1-6
In | Workbook: Genesis 50 to Exodus 1
In | Story Arcs
In | Workbook: The Story of the Hebrews in Egypt
In | Oppression
In | A Rescuer Is Chosen—Birth and Rescue
In | Moses the Protector of His People
In | The Calling of Moses as Rescuer
Behind | Onsite: Rameses and Pithom in Goshen - Egyptologist Essam Zeid
Behind | Onsite: The Mighty Nile - Source of Life
Behind | Onsite: Nilometer - Egyptologist Essam Zeid
Behind | Onsite: The Nile and the Key of Life - Egyptologist Essam Zeid
Behind | Museum of the Bible: Egyptian Temple
Behind | Museum of the Bible: Pyramids Then and Now
Behind | 360 View: The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt
Behind | 360 View: Embalming and the Afterlife
Behind | Onsite: Rescuer Born Along the Nile
Behind | The Crook
Behind | Moses: Scribe and Shepherd - Passages Exhibit and Green Scholars Initiative
Behind | 360 View: The Burning Bush
In Front | Divine Choice
In Front | Workbook: God’s Choice - Case Study on Calling
In Front | Our Daily Bread: Bricks without Straw
Getting Started
Lesson TwoJudgment by Plagues (Ex 7-11)21 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Exodus 7-11
In | Workbook: Signs and Wonders
In | Judgment by Plagues
In | Workbook: Hardening a Heart
In | Heart Hardening
In | Pharaoh’s Hard Heart
In | The Purpose of the Contest
Behind | Onsite: Memphis
Behind | Onsite: Rameses and Ma'at - Egyptologist Essam Zeid
Behind | Onsite: Rameses the Great
Behind | YHWH vs. the Gods of Egypt
Behind | Egyptian Polytheism: Dr. Mariam Ayad
Behind | Workbook: YHWH vs. the Gods of Egypt
Behind | Weighing the Heart
Behind | Onsite: Aaron and the Sea Serpent
Behind | Onsite: Akhenaten's Monotheism
In Front | Hardened Hearts
In Front | Workbook: Contemporary Worldview and the God of the Exodus
In Front | Our Daily Bread: Out of Chaos
Getting Started
Lesson ThreePassover (Ex 12–13)14 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Exodus 12-13
In | Workbook: Passover Event and Liturgy
In | Passover
In | Predictions, Prophecies, Promises and Foreshadow
In | Passover Ordinance
Behind | Onsite: Samaritan Passover
Behind | Onsite: Samaritan Way of Life - Priest Husni Wasef Al Samri
In Front | Onsite: Palm Sunday Procession
In Front | Passover and the Last Supper
In Front | Passover in John's Gospel
In Front | Shepherd and Sheep
In Front | Workbook: Songs about the Blood
Getting Started
Lesson FourLiberation: Crossing the Sea (Ex 13-15)17 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Exodus 13-15
In | Workbook: Song of Moses and Miriam
In | Workbook: Deliverance at the Sea of Reeds
In | Inner-Biblical Parallels
In | Liberation as Holy War
Behind | iMap: Routes of the Exodus
Behind | Onsite: Mighty Hand and Outstretched Arm
Behind | Possible Dates for the Exodus
Behind | Possible Routes for the Exodus
Behind | Onsite: Crossing the Sea of Reeds
Behind | Music in Warfare and Worship
In Front | Christianity Today: The God of War
In Front | Miracles
In Front | Onsite: Second Exodus
In Front | Our Daily Bread: Stand or Go?
Getting Started
Lesson FiveJourney to Sinai (Ex 16-19)19 Activities
Getting Started
Lesson Text: Exodus 16-19
In | De-Creation
In | Workbook: De-Creation
In | De-Creating to Re-Create
In | Workbook: Desert Crises
In | God's Testing and Provision
In | God's Purpose and His Presence
Behind | Onsite: Waters of Chaos and New Creation - Steve Wunderick, Karnak Temple
Behind | Onsite: 70 Palms and 12 Springs
Behind | Onsite: Water from the Rock
Behind | Desert and Wilderness
Behind | Onsite: Provision, Protection and Guidance - Abu Sabah
Behind | Onsite: Prayer at Rephidim
Behind | 360 View: The Amalekites at Rephidim
In Front | Praying Like Moses in Egypt: Dr. Sameh Maurice
In Front | The Power of Prayer: Dr. Sameh Maurice
In Front | Workbook: Walking by Faith in the Wilderness
Getting Started
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Lesson 5, Activity 1
Getting Started
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
So far in this module, we shared a Passover meal and made our way out of slavery in Egypt. We witnessed a breathtaking miracle as the Sea of Reeds parted and the Egyptian armies drowned. Now we are on our way to Mt. Sinai where God has promised to meet us. The epic story will continue to unfold in the wilderness.
But, what else might be happening that isn’t obvious with a casual reading? What else may be going on that only the rest of Scripture makes clear—perhaps not only by looking forward but by looking back to Genesis? Let’s make sure we’ve explored these foundational events thoroughly so we are fully prepared to meet God on His holy mountain.