Understanding Mental Health and Trauma

In Understanding Mental Health and Trauma, we explore the resources God has given and made evident to us in the Bible—the community of believers, the comfort of the Holy Spirit, and the encouragement of His Word—to manage the impacts of mental health challenges in our churches and communities.


Mental health challenges are among the most common health conditions globally. Addressing them, and maintaining optimal mental health, is similar to going on a journey. Sometimes we go willingly, sometimes not, and the journey either feels light or burdensome. Encountering pleasant and difficult people and experiences on a journey is likely, and can often result in unexpected changes in direction. 

Embarking on a journey to improve mental health with the right tools, support, guidance, and most importantly knowing the desired destination, can differentiate successful journeys from unsuccessful ones. As Christians, we can be encouraged that we have been provided with all these things to navigate our mental health journeys. In addition, the hope of the gospel and intimate relationship with the Great Physician means that we can be clear about our destination of healing and wellness.

In Understanding Mental Health and Trauma, we explore the resources God has given and made evident to us in the Bible—the community of believers, the comfort of the Holy Spirit, and the encouragement of His Word—to manage the impacts of mental health challenges in our churches and communities. We examine how to effectively address and create a mental health support system in diverse, socio-cultural contexts, using a wide range of available professional and non-professional resources. We also become more self-aware of how we consider and manage our own mental health, and how this affects our loved ones and ministries.

  • Reflect on the issue of mental health and the effects of trauma in today’s society from a biblical perspective.
  • Evaluate your own mental health meaningfully to live and minister optimally.
  • Apply mental health management strategies to help yourself and others attain and maintain mental well-being.
  • Articulate how to mitigate the negative effects of trauma on yourself and others to seek necessary support where required.
  • Articulate a support plan for your ministry environment to manage the mental health issues of others and the effects of trauma on them.
  • Appreciate why addressing mental health and trauma in the church and wider society is an evangelical and missional imperative.
  • This course is nice if you are counseling someone for mental health. It is really not a course for self help.

    — Judy, United States
  • An excellent course!

    — Russell, Canada

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Course Details

  • High Effort
  • 5 Lessons
  • 5 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

Brent Burdick

Course Provider

Lausanne Movement

Course developed in collaboration with Lausanne Movement.