Preaching is the primary way God has appointed for the teaching of the truths of His Word. Preaching well done honors God, expounds the Bible, and equips its hearers for spiritual growth and fruitful ministry. But, those who preach must make a study of the art. Dr. Haddon Robinson has taught preaching skills for more than five decades and offers tried and proven methods of teaching that have trained many who are either preparing for or are active in various areas of ministry. By focusing on the world of the Bible, the mindset of the expositor, and the development of teachable ideas, Robinson leads the student to the preparation and presentation of effective sermons.
- Build a bridge between the ancient world of the Bible and the contemporary world of today’s audience.
- Define and practice expository preaching.
- Apply three developmental questions to the study of a text of Scripture.
- Discover the main idea in any given passage of Scripture.
- Develop sermons around main ideas of Bible passages.
- Define both exegetical idea and homiletical idea, understanding the difference.
- Understand and apply good communication models.
- Explain the difference between inductive and deductive sermons.
- Generate an effective sermon outline.
- Write and deliver an expository sermon.
Great course on Expository Preaching!
Haddon Robinson was great! Thank you for providing his content. These lessons by him are treasures.
This course is so well taught, as the teacher almost taught it one-on-one it seems.
This course helped drive home the importance of looking at the message God has intended through a passage, rather than finding a passage to support an idea I have. The format for producing a sermon was also extremely beneficial.
The instruction in this course can be applied to any method of communication!
This course has been such a blessing. Reading the book and then watching Haddon Robertson in the video lectures has given me a whole different look at how to read, study, and explain scripture. Thank you all so much for offering this course.
I feel that my purpose for taking this course was accomplished. It was very good. I’m going to strive to continue to use what I have learned in my lay-speaking ministry. I am grateful for the opportunity to study like this. Thank you!
An excellent course!
The amount of practical knowledge I received from this course is immense. I am happy I took it and will apply what I learned not only to messages but to my own study as well.
I feel like this course took me on a journey. I can’t express how much I loved this course, and the instructor, Dr. Robinson. I feel changed. By far, the most enjoyable, interesting, and the most educating lecture I’ve taken in my 2+ years with ODBU. Thank you!
This was a great course and challenging. I was happy to see it taught by an experienced preacher and educated. I learned much.
Very good and practical course! It is a useful tool for Christian preachers!
I was challenged with a more thoughtful preparation of the message I deliver. Not just provide information but challenging my audience to new levels in their Christian walk through the presentation of the Word, which causes them to see themselves through the word.
Great course; Strong and knowledgeable instructor.
This was my first course. Dr. Robinson is beyond amazing in his approach, delivery, and understandability. I have benefited from this course even prior to completing it. Looking forward to the next one!
It really gave me great insight into expository preaching.
The course is very helpful for me as it increased my knowledge for preparing my preaching.