Old Testament Theology I: Pentateuch and Former Prophets

Identifying the foundational themes of Genesis through Kings, Everbeck traces them throughout the whole Bible, demonstrating the connection between the content and theology of these books.


In order to understand and apply any passage of Scripture faithfully, one must begin with the foundational concepts and theology that precede and inform it. Averbeck introduces the content and theology of the books of Genesis through Kings, identifying the foundational themes that emerge and tracing them through the rest of the Bible. In this way, he shows how the theology of the Old Testament is basic and essential for understanding Jesus Christ, the church, and the Christian life.

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Study Guide
  1. Identify various genres of literature in Genesis through Kings and learn to interpret them with credibility.
  2. Articulate the significance of Genesis 1-11 as the primeval historical and theological foundation for understanding our human experience in the world.
  3. Understand how the Pentateuch (Genesis-Deuteronomy) lays the historical and especially the theological foundation for the Former Prophets (Joshua-Kings) and for the rest of the Bible.
  4. Understand how the Pentateuch and the Former Prophets ft together within the canon, and how they contribute to our understanding of faith experience in ancient Israel.
  5. Value the ways in which Ancient Near Eastern literature can inform our reading of Scripture.
  6. Become familiar with the history recorded in Genesis through Kings and its relationship to the history of the surrounding Ancient Near Eastern world.
  7. Trace the overall historical progression of God’s covenantal redemptive program from Genesis through Revelation.
  8. Value all of the above goals as crucial to an ongoing study of the whole canon of Scripture as well as foundational to the way we live our Christian lives and pursue our ministries.
  • First, God bless you all at Our Daily Bread, this course as well as the others I have taken have been great and I have recommended these courses to several of my friends. Thank you so much and I do plan to continue further in studying with Our Daily Bread University. Again, thank you so much. Robert J. McKinzie

    — Robert, United States
  • This was a very interesting course. It really made me think about many things that I have never considered before. It provided me with insights about the Old Testament. I found this course extremely educational.

    — Deborah, United States
  • Really informative. Love how all themes point to person and redemptive work of Christ

    — Donald, United States
  • What an interesting course! I'm proud to now count Dr Averbeck into my list of teachers! His teachings are very strong and I feel him as a cool and peaceful man. Of course, these lessons bring me many assumptions about the history and the many significances of the laws and symbols (of the tabernacle and others) and how they can reflect in our christian lives. I am very blessed! :)

    — Martin, United States
  • I found the instructor's insights to be useful. Even though I never interacted with him personally, he had a warm, congenial tone in his lectures that I found welcoming. I feel like I learned a lot of information that will help me as a 21st century Christian who is gleaning insights from these divinely inspired writings.

    — Meagan, United States
  • I enjoyed learning the Old Testament in more detail.

    — Lauryn, United States
  • I have learned so much from this course. I give thanks to God to have had the opportunity to learn. Thank you so much.

    — William, United States

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Course Details

  • High Effort
  • 24 Lessons
  • 43 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

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Audios Transcripts

Richard E. Averbeck, PhD

Course Provider


Course content is provided courtesy of Institute of Theological Studies (ITS).