In a self-centered culture, how do we demonstrate a God-centered ethic? This course presents a biblical model for ethics in a postmodern world, examining the ethical theories of obligation and value from a philosophical perspective. The lectures survey various ethical systems, identify unstated assumptions in ethical theories, and evaluate those theories for legitimacy, relevancy, and cogency. The goal of the course is to provide learners with a Christian framework of values and ethics, leading them to make God-honoring decisions in a truth-relative world.
Legacy CollectionDiscover the vintage value and relevance of these classic courses. Our instructors provide new insights into your faith through a variety of subjects. We acquired many of these courses from the Institute of Theological Studies (ITS). From ITS’s world-class professors, you'll gain seminary-level instruction.
Study Guide- Understand the concepts and principles of ethical theories and how they cohere with their theoretical assumptions.
- Understand the concepts and principles of Christian ethics and their relationship to biblical revelation and our Weltanschauung.
- Apply the concepts and principles of ethical theories to contemporary problems.
- Evaluate ethical systems by both internal and external criteria.
This course has proved to be a life changer by getting me to see how God sees and how He expects us to live before Him.
Grier never fails to stimulate students of the Word to study more and know God!
This was a very thorough course. I took Biblical Ethics many years ago and this was intended to be a refresher, but the lecturer delivered a thorough course that took me much deeper and further than I remember in my previous course. Kudos to a top level course of study.
An excellent course! (one of the best I have taken to date).
Course really made me rethink some Scripture. Enjoyed it.
Excellent teacher, great content, looking forward to his course on worldviews.
This was really an eye-opener for me in a number of ways. It provided me with answers that I hadn't thought about before. Also it helped me get deeper insights into certain topics.