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Christian Evidences
Lesson OneIntroduction1 Activity
Lesson TwoNature of Biblical Christianity - Part I1 Activity
Lesson ThreeNature of Biblical Christianity - Part II1 Activity
Lesson FourNature of Biblical Christianity - Part III1 Activity
Lesson FiveThe Verification of Biblical Christianity - Part I1 Activity
Lesson SixThe Verification of Biblical Christianity - Part II1 Activity
Lesson SevenThe Evidence of Biblical Christianity - Part I1 Activity
Lesson EightThe Evidence of Biblical Christianity - Part II1 Activity
Lesson NineThe Evidence of Biblical Christianity - Part III1 Activity
Lesson TenThe Evidence of Biblical Christianity - Part IV1 Activity
Lesson ElevenThe Evidence of Biblical Christianity - Part V1 Activity
Lesson TwelveThe Evidence of Biblical Christianity - Part VI1 Activity
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 102
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