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The History of Christianity in America
Lesson OneIntroduction to the Course3 Activities
Lesson TwoChristianity in British Colonialism Era - Part I3 Activities
Lesson ThreeChristianity in British Colonialism Era - Part II3 Activities
Lesson FourNature of Education in British America3 Activities
Lesson FiveThe First Great Awakening - Part I3 Activities
Lesson SixThe First Great Awakening - Part II3 Activities
Lesson SevenThe American Revolt - Part I3 Activities
Lesson EightThe American Revolt - Part II2 Activities
Lesson NineChristianity in the New American Nation2 Activities
Lesson TenTheological Seminaries3 Activities
Lesson ElevenThe Western Phase of the Awakening3 Activities
Lesson TwelveEighteenth Century New England Calvinism2 Activities
Lesson ThirteenCharles Finney3 Activities
Lesson FourteenThe Layman's Prayer Revival3 Activities
Lesson FifteenThe Rise of Religious Cults/Civil War3 Activities
Lesson SixteenThe Civil War and Slavery3 Activities
Lesson SeventeenChristianity in the Modern Era of America3 Activities
Lesson EighteenThe Rise of the Social Gospel3 Activities
Lesson NineteenDecades of Vast and Social Change3 Activities
Lesson TwentyThe Organization of New Denominations3 Activities
Lesson Twenty-OneThe Structure of the Evangelical Movement3 Activities
Lesson Twenty-TwoThe Rise of the Pentecostal Movement2 Activities
Lesson Twenty-ThreeThe Emergence of the Ecumenical Movement3 Activities
Lesson Twenty-FourCurrent State of Mainline Denominations3 Activities
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 39
Lesson 1 of 25
In Progress
Introduction to the Course
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Lesson Content
0% Complete
0/3 Steps