“On this I take me stand. I can do no other. God help me.” Those words of Martin Luther reflect the unswerving commitment to Scripture that permeated his theology and sparked his Reformation. In this course, learners survey the background and setting of Luther’s thought, as well his teaching on a range of topics that form Christian theology: his understanding of sin and grace, justification and faith, and law and gospel. The course also emphasizes Luther’s view of the workplace as an arena to serve God. The goal of the course is for students to appreciate Luther’s steadfast commitment to the cross of Christ and the authority of Scripture and to apply such commitment to their own lives and ministry.
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Study Guide- Understand the historical background of Luther’s thought in his own career and in the intellectual context of late medieval theology.
- Understand the chief points in Luther’s theology on the critical topics discussed in his era and relevant to twentieth century Christian thought.
- Understand and identify Luther’s law/gospel hermeneutic at work within the entire structure of his exposition of the biblical message.
- Interpret Luther’s sixteenth century concerns within their own historical setting and in their significance for later periods of church history, including the turn of the twenty-first century.
- Appreciate Luther’s combination of faithfulness to the biblical text and his deep concern for the comfort of Christian consciences and the proper exercise of the Christian faith by all believers.
This course really helped me learn a lot about Martin Luther, his life, and the way God has used Martin Luther to change so many people in the church, and also in the community. I enjoyed printing out the lesson and the course outlines as well as listening to it. This was a great course, I would recommend this course to anyone who is interested in digging deeper in learning about Martin Luther and theology, history, and some see Martin Luther as Prophet, Teacher, and Hero, but above all he was a very Godly man and wanted to live his life for Christ.
Good job! Learned a lot about some of the finer points of Luther's theology.
The lecture transcripts I found very useful. I would listen to the lecture on day 1. Then on day 2 I would read the transcript. And on days 3 and 4 the discussion questions would be reviewed. Very good course.
Very insightful and helpful to my understanding of the love of God and walk with Him. I am His . I am nothing without Him and His grace to me.
The course has helped ground my faith in Jesus Christ, the Word of God. I have a clearer understanding and appreciation of my position in God through Christ Jesus, His grace and love.