A church leader wears many hats. In this course, learners discover how to maximize productivity in the various functions of church leadership. The course examines the biblical foundation and practical functions of administrative leadership in churches and Christian organizations, and focuses on developing successful, biblical attitudes and skills among team leaders. Students will analyze basic leadership principles from secular and evangelical sources, analyzing them through a biblical/theological grid.
Legacy CollectionDiscover the vintage value and relevance of these classic courses. Our instructors provide new insights into your faith through a variety of subjects. We acquired many of these courses from the Institute of Theological Studies (ITS). From ITS’s world-class professors, you'll gain seminary-level instruction.
Course Bibliography- Identify the major passages of Scripture that deal with leadership.
- Understand the theological implication of those passages and their application in the world of contemporary Christian leadership.
- Synthesize a philosophy of ministry, a biblical leadership style, and a harmony of gifting for the calling and sustaining of leadership.
- Apply these leadership teachings to his/her present and future ministry, with special attention to interpersonal relations, servanthood, and team building.
Take plenty of notes.
Good course
This course was very in-depth and challenging in many cases. It is a very useful learning tool.
Nice class!
This is just the beginning of the course .... WOW!!! It is revolutionary, encouraging, challenging, confrontational and yet loaded with a message of HOPE for individuals, groups and Churches. It is easy to understand, practical and insightful. Thank you for this life-changing course.
Good understanding about leadership and Administration. Teachings makes you good leader.