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Studies in the Book of James
Lesson OneIntroduction to General Epistles1 Activity
Lesson TwoIntroduction to the Book of James1 Activity
Lesson ThreeProgressions (James 1:1-15)1 Activity
Lesson fourProfessions (James 1:16-25)1 Activity
Lesson FiveWitness of the Word and Social Transgressions (James 1:26–2:13)1 Activity
Lesson SixExpression of a True Profession (James 2:14-26)1 Activity
Lesson SevenTransgressions of Oral Expressions (James 3:1-6)1 Activity
Lesson EightTeachers and Tongues (James 3:7-18)1 Activity
Lesson NineSpiritual Recession and Progression (James 4:1-10)1 Activity
Lesson TenTransgressions of Selfish Expression (James 4:11-17)1 Activity
Lesson ElevenTwo Types of Possessions (James 5:1-12)1 Activity
Lesson TwelveThe Privilege of Intercession (James 5:13-20)1 Activity
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 57
Lesson 1 of 13
In Progress