Success or failure starts at the top, and Israel learned the hard way that human kings were no substitute for the rule of God. This course covers the history of Israel from the beginning of Solomon’s apostasy (I Kings 11) to the Babylonian captivity (II Kings 25). Learners explore the miraculous ministries of Elijah and Elisha, and survey the rise and fall of kings including Hezekiah, Ahab, Josiah, and Jeroboam. The course concludes by examining Nebuchadnezzar’s destruction of Jerusalem.
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Discover the vintage value and relevance of these classic courses. Our instructors provide new insights into your faith through a variety of subjects. We acquired many of these courses from the Institute of Theological Studies (ITS). From ITS’s world-class professors, you'll gain seminary-level instruction.
Study Guide- Grasp the important theological and historical lessons which God has recorded for our learning in the books of Kings and Chronicles concerning His faithful dealings with His people.
The exposition of the Word of God in these lectures is very detailed. It would have been nicer if it had a text version for students to refer to in the future.
Excellent lectures! The book was well-written and informative!