Ten Reasons to Believe in the Bible
Lesson OneThe Evidence of Honesty5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TwoThe Evidence of Preservation5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson ThreeThe Evidence Of Divine Claims5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FourThe Evidence Of Miracles5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FiveThe Evidence of Accuracy5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson SixThe Evidence Of Unity5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson SevenThe Evidence Of Endorsement5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson EightThe Evidence Of Prophecy5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson NineThe Evidence Of Survival5 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TenThe Evidence Of Changed Lives5 Activities|1 Assessment
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 107
Discussion Questions
Christian Learning Center › Forums › God through the Bible has in His kindness given us a wonderful, delightful blend of what human beings are. How does this mirror improve our understanding of and confidence in God?
Tagged: CA208-01
God through the Bible has in His kindness given us a wonderful, delightful blend of what human beings are. How does this mirror improve our understanding of and confidence in God?
Kellie Fowler replied 8 months ago 22 Members · 21 Replies
I believe it comes down to what we truly believe. If we believe the Bible is true, than we can see ourselves through His word, and understand than in light of Jesus, and the Word, we can trust what The Word says and be confident, that is doesn’t change, nor can it fail.
The Bible reflects Our Lives in such a unique way and in such truth. When we rely on the word of God we can find direction for our lives and understanding of who we really are.
God and God alone has the ability to change someone’s heart. We can be confident that if we put our trust in God, he can change our heart and even when we go through difficult times and challenges, we have God to get us through them with peace and tranquility that cannot be gotten anywhere else.
He has provided us with the details needed to live for Him, and go through the least amount of struggle possible, on the narrow path. He allows us to know Him, and to know that we are created in His image.
The Bible’s honest display of humanity demonstrates many characteristics of God. The fact that God would chose a ‘stiff necked’ people to represent Him and carry His word to the nations shows the long-suffering of God with a fickle people. God’s willingness to use fallible men to lead and speak forth His word, shows His loving-kindness and mercy. The Bible’s honest display of the wavering nation of Israel, helps us to rest assured in the promises of a faithful God despite a faithless people.
Christian Learning Center › Forums › Mart De Haan says, “The Bible can never be accused of cleaning up or white-washing human nature.” Have you felt the same? Why? Why not?
Tagged: CA208-01
Mart De Haan says, “The Bible can never be accused of cleaning up or white-washing human nature.” Have you felt the same? Why? Why not?
Kellie Fowler replied 8 months ago 14 Members · 13 Replies
There are stories and actions in the Old Testament that are pretty disturbing. I often wonder why God decided to include such outrageous things. Perhaps, it shows me the depravity in which our world still has even today. That I shouldn’t turn a blind eye to what could still be going on, just because it is not a part of my immediate world.
Where else can we find such strange and/or mysterious truths as in the Bible? I have discovered new words, new statements which amazed me. These findings made more curious and interested.
Yes because it speaks honest truth. Just look at the shape of the world today. It is clear that what the Bible tells us is truth
Christian Learning Center › Forums › The Bible, for our own sake, describes human nature as it really is. How does this provide reasons to trust in the Bible and rely on its credibility?
Tagged: CA208-01
The Bible, for our own sake, describes human nature as it really is. How does this provide reasons to trust in the Bible and rely on its credibility?
Glen Mault replied 2 months ago 17 Members · 17 Replies
The scientific truths in the Bible, with accurate pieces and reflections in our lives, prove that the Bible is reliable.
The accurate display of human nature found in the Bible mirrors that of what we see today. Through all of our ideals and desires to be different, we can easily see sin and its nature manifesting itself in the people of today as it in biblical history. The authentic depiction of human nature given in God’s word provides us with a credible source of truth as it shows humanity as it is.
Scripture pierces through the superficial that we often live on a daily basis. It gets to the ‘bone and marrow’ because it does reflect our true selves.
How incredible that the scream know me better than I know myself, I say. It’s simple and profound description and explanation of sin, the world, Satan and life is honest and true.
It speaks truth of how we are, it doesn’t sugar coat it or try to hide it.