A History of the Charismatic Movements | Our Daily Bread University
Church History | CH510 | (4.41)

A History of the Charismatic Movements

This course will cover History and theology of Classical Pentecostalism, Charismatic Renewalism, and Restoration Movements, with emphasis on theological foundations.

Charismatic theology is more than just a theology of spiritual gifts; worship, bibliology, sanctification, and ecclesiology are also central. Learners will complete a historical and theological study of the origins and developments of Classical Pentecostalism, Charismatic Renewalism, and Restoration Movements, with emphasis given to theological backgrounds and trends. Lectures also analyze other related movements, including the Jesus Only Movement, the Vineyard Movement, and the Toronto Revival Movement. Throughout the course, the pros and cons of the various charismatic movements are presented.

Legacy Collection
Discover the vintage value and relevance of these classic courses. Our instructors provide new insights into your faith through a variety of subjects. We acquired many of these courses from the Institute of Theological Studies (ITS). From ITS’s world-class professors, you'll gain seminary-level instruction.


Study Guide
  1. Trace the history of the Pentecostal Movement from its origin in the American Holiness Movement to its current manifestation, Charismatic Renewalism, and the varieties of Restorationism.
  2. Move toward a formulation (or clearer understanding) of such concepts as spiritual power and victory for himself/herself. At the minimum, the course purposes to discover the questions that must be asked in order to formulate a cogent statement of the “victorious Christian life.”
  3. Gain insight into the nature and defense of Pentecostal and Charismatic distinctives, as well as the theological changes that have taken and are taking place in the movement.
  4. Understand theological differences among Holiness, Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Restorationists groups, as well as theological change within those groups.
  5. Gain insight into the contribution of Pentecostalism to the religious history of the American people, the nation, and the world.
  6. Gain insight and understanding into the status and contemporary trends among Charismatics.
  7. See and understand the issues with which the Pentecostal/Charismatic Renewalists churches are currently grappling.
  8. Become knowledgeable of the major formulators and the propagators of Pentecostalism, both their biography and theology.
  9. Have facilities for personal research with a view to using the course in future ministries.
  10. Obtain an in-depth knowledge of available bibliography including the original sources.
Course Rating: 4.41
Based on 11 reviews with the most recent from 2 months ago.
  • There was a lot of material to study; however, it was presented in a way that could be easily understood. The numerous dates are difficult to remember.

    — Donna, United States
  • An excellent course!

    — Russell, Canada
  • Very concise, but I would like for you to include more historical references on regards to the spreading of the Pentecostal movement in Latin America, since these places have seen the most growth of Charismatic Movements .

    — Rodolfo, United States
  • This was great. I thoroughly enjoyed the lecturer. The material was a bit much, namely lots of characters, new doctrine, and "movements," most of which I was not familiar with. But I am grateful for how the teacher started each lecture with a review. Repetition is key to learning, and especially if much of the material is brand new. Thank you for that. And thank you for this very insightful course.

    — Pamela, United States
  • Excellent material that gave me a clearer understanding of the charismatic movement.

    — Annabelle, United States

Course Content

Lesson One
Lesson Two
Lesson Three
Lesson Four
Lesson Five
Lesson Six
Lesson Seven
Lesson Eight
Lesson Nine
Lesson Ten
Lesson Eleven
Lesson Twelve
Lesson Thirteen
Lesson Fourteen
Lesson Fifteen
Lesson Sixteen
Lesson Seventeen
Lesson Eighteen
Lesson Nineteen
Lesson Twenty
Lesson Twenty-One
Lesson Twenty-Two
Lesson Twenty-Three
Lesson Twenty-Four
Course Wrap-Up
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/2 Steps
Disciple Level
Enrollment Options

Course Details

  • High Effort
  • 24 Lessons
  • 44 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

Course Resources

Audios Discussion Questions

John D. Hannah, PhD, ThD

Course Provider


Course content is provided courtesy of Institute of Theological Studies (ITS).