Correctional Ministries Program Development and Evaluation
Lesson OneTheology of Mission: Introduction4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TwoTheology of Mission: Personal Theology of Mission4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson ThreeTheology of Mission: Ministry Identity4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FourStrategic Planning: Overview, Vision, and Mission4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FiveStrategic Planning: Strategic Objectives4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson SixStrategic Planning: Systems Approach4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson SevenEvidence-Based Principles: Introduction to Social Science Research4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson EightEvidence-Based Principles: Enhancing Intrinsic Motivation4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson NineEvidence-Based Principles: Five Target Interventions4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TenPolicy and Procedure: Introduction and Overview4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson ElevenPolicy and Procedure: General Information4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TwelvePolicy and Procedure: Key Institutional Policies4 Activities|2 Assessments
Lesson ThirteenPolicy and Procedure: Church Service4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FourteenPolicy and Procedure: Bible Study4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FifteenPolicy and Procedure: The Topic of Your Choice4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson SixteenReligious Salience: Overview4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson SeventeenReligious Salience: Learning Theory4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson EighteenReligious Salience: What We Teach4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson NineteenVolunteer Management: Introduction4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TwentyVolunteer Management: Essential Components I4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson Twenty-OneVolunteer Management: Essential Components II4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson Twenty-TwoThe Life Action Plan: Introduction4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson Twenty-ThreeThe Life Action Plan: Components4 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson Twenty-FourThe Life Action Plan: Concluding Remarks4 Activities|1 Assessment
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 10
Overview and Objectives
Lesson Overview
Lesson one provides motivation to seek excellence in the management of the correctional ministry program entrusted to you. Skills to manage properly must be accompanied by a deep desire to create, build, facilitate, and grow the infrastructure needed to ensure the delivery of ministry services. If correctional ministers refuse to excel as managers, they will soon have nothing to manage. Again, ministry gained must be ministry maintained!
Secondly, this lecture begins the creation of your personal theology of mission. The first reading becomes the platform that moves you into a thoughtful consideration of the metanarrative of God as it relates to mission outreach.
Lesson Objectives
When you complete this lesson, you should be able to:
- Appreciate the critical importance of professional management. The correctional worker’s role of manager is as critical as any pastoral role within a correctional setting, often more so from the perspective of institutional administration.
- Begin to be equipped in strategic planning and program development, implementation, and ongoing management.
- Think and plan proactively and not reactively. Ministry gained must be ministry maintained!
Personal Reflection
As you proceed through this lesson have the following question in mind.
Have you made certain your spiritual foundation is solid before you continue to build your ministry foundation?