Lesson 1, Activity 3

Discussion Questions

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Christian Learning Center Forums What might be the benefits of studying religious faiths different from your own?


  • Carla Burkhart

    02/03/2025 at 11:04

    Helps me to understand other religions and views which in turn will help me when talking to people about Christianity.

  • Nam Lieu Nguyen Hoang

    02/03/2025 at 09:53

    Helps me understand diversity and have a more comprehensive view of how other religions operate and influence the world

  • Rebecca Crone

    01/20/2025 at 16:04

    Studying religious faiths different from my own allow me to (1) understand another point of view, and (2) allow me to understand how to present the gospel to an unbeliever in Christ.

  • Anna Byrd

    01/07/2025 at 11:49

    To learn more about the world and their beliefs. Especially the different ways that cultural background can influence someones outlook and view of religion.

  • Kristine Philibert

    12/29/2024 at 15:55

    It is helpful to understand from what perspective a person views God, salvation and how creation came to be, as well as what sacred scriptures one believes in or how one may view the scriptures of the bible. This helps to find a common base on which we can start a conversation and as the Holy Spirit leads us, introduce people to Jesus.

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Christian Learning Center Forums Write out in your own words a definition for religious faith.


  • Nam Lieu Nguyen Hoang

    02/03/2025 at 09:55

    Religious faith is a belief in a religious leader or creator who has the power to bless and curse believers and non-believers. This belief is often a hope for the afterlife.

  • Kristine Philibert

    12/29/2024 at 15:58

    the belief system that one adheres to, based on sacred scriptures, that answer the questions of who God is, how we came into existence, rituals one believes God expects of them and a code or law that one believes God has given them

  • Lynda Park

    11/22/2024 at 11:57

    Religious faith is the belief in a higher power for the creation of all things and for establishing a moral code of behavior toward others. It can also include specific rituals and beliefs.

  • Scotia Ogle

    08/18/2024 at 10:06

    Religious traditions provide believers with a sense of faith and trust in a power greater than themselves, which fosters a sense of hope and peace in spite of the myriad trials and tribulations taking place in our present day world.

  • Pete Blum

    08/04/2024 at 07:33

    A set of beliefs learned, studied, or passed down primarily focused on God, our creation, eternal salvation, and life after death.

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