Lesson 1, Activity 3

Discussion Questions

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Christian Learning Center Forums What might be the benefits of studying religious faiths different from your own?


  • Kathleen Long

    02/10/2022 at 10:41

    Paul said to meet people where they are. In order to know someone and gain their trust, we have to learn who they are. And who they are is in their beliefs. We need to understand these beliefs in order to build relationships and bring others to Jesus.

  • Ryan Nevil

    02/08/2022 at 10:49

    I believe it is good to know where other people are coming from. To understand their thinking and why they believe certain things. Understand these thing will give us an advantage in being able to build a relationship and ultimately share Jesus with them.

  • Joshua Tingle

    01/07/2022 at 14:23

    In order to understand one another and also be able to make the case for our God from more than one prospective.

    • Melissa Fraser

      06/27/2023 at 15:27

      Agreed! Knowledge is power and a better understanding equips us in many ways.

  • Bershuan Thompson

    12/20/2021 at 14:08

    The opportunity to get to know those around you and their religious views to help you understand how to relate to them effectively.

  • Gabriel Sanchez

    12/14/2021 at 11:37

    The benefit of studying other religious faiths gives us a better understand of another person’s faith and what you could do to convince them to transfer over to Christianity.

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Christian Learning Center Forums Write out in your own words a definition for religious faith.


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