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This activity supports learning objective 2.

Christian Learning Center Forums Why is it important to surface a need for your audience right away? Can you think of an example of a speech or sermon you’ve heard that spoke to your needs? How did the speaker accomplish this?


  • Why is it important to surface a need for your audience right away? Can you think of an example of a speech or sermon you’ve heard that spoke to your needs? How did the speaker accomplish this?

    Lynda Park replied 3 days, 6 hours ago 41 Members · 40 Replies
  • Gail Bradley

    04/19/2024 at 12:25

    Becaause, you want to keep them interested, considerate, and quiet.

  • Helen Langley

    04/17/2024 at 10:31

    Surfacing a need quickly allows you to make a connection with your audience and captivate their attention, People only pay attention to what they feel is important and relevant to them. This can be achieved with a “hook” of sorts. The hook (like in any good literature) can me a relatable story or an icebreaker joke, even a song. There are also many other ways to surface a need and make a good solid connection when speaking in public.

  • Juan Peralta

    03/09/2024 at 00:09

    Yes. A sermon that spoke to my need was . How to receive the peace of God

  • Steven Kellejian

    02/05/2024 at 20:39

    It is important to surface a need in order to build connection and draw people in to what is being said. I think of a time when the speaker was describing being on a plane and being asked a question that I wanted to also be able to answer. This drew me in and I wanted to hear more.

  • Mandi

    12/03/2023 at 21:23

    When a speaker or minister starts off with a statement or introduction that is difficult to grasp or is not interesting, they lose my attention and I’m not so intrigued about the rest of the speech or sermon.

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