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This activity supports learning objective 2.

Christian Learning Center Forums Why is it important to surface a need for your audience right away? Can you think of an example of a speech or sermon you’ve heard that spoke to your needs? How did the speaker accomplish this?


  • Why is it important to surface a need for your audience right away? Can you think of an example of a speech or sermon you’ve heard that spoke to your needs? How did the speaker accomplish this?

    Lynda Park replied 4 days ago 41 Members · 40 Replies
  • Cory Byrd

    10/19/2022 at 10:45

    You have to get the audience’s attention from the very beginning. You need to get their attention by starting with something that interests them and shows them they have a need for what I will be speaking about. I heard someone start a sermon recently with 3 chairs at the front of the room and sat in each chair explaining what each one was (Walking with God, being halfway in/out in our relationship with God, not having a relationship at all). He showed the audience a need for having a relationship with God. This grabbed my attention and had me locked in.

  • Amy Miletti

    09/29/2022 at 14:20

    Surfacing the need early on captures the audience’s lasting attention. They begin listening because they want to listen, not just because they should listen. I experienced this recently when I listened to speaker on the topic of “self-talk”. The speaker grabbed my attention by asking a thought- provoking question- “Do you know the difference between listening to yourself and talking to yourself?” She went on to explain how learning the difference is key in implanting God’s truth into your heart. I sure want God’s truth well rooted in my mind and in my heart, so I was listening intently!

  • Matt Fraser

    08/01/2022 at 20:10

    If you don’t surface a need with an interesting statement people are not going to tune in to what you have to say and you are going to bore them. I have found that the best way to do this is open up with a story.

  • Gary Norman

    05/23/2022 at 09:45

    The need establishes the platform for your speech. It is the mechanism that allows you to actually connect with your audience and establish a “what it for me” with the audience.

    I recent heard a guy speak about the importance of prayer and his opening illustrations was praying for the needs of others and understanding the needs in their life. Then he says but the most important prayer anyone can pray is one that only they can pray. Ever person needs to pray for Christ to forgive their sin, change their walk and come into their life . This is our greatest need and most important prayer we can pray. He built the rest of his sermon around our need for Christ.

    This was a short but impactful speech.

  • Alvin Ashworth

    05/11/2022 at 15:15

    I have had speakers grab my attention by speaking to my reason for being there.

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