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Share your response to the following question.

This activity supports learning objective 2.

Christian Learning Center Forums Why is it important to surface a need for your audience right away? Can you think of an example of a speech or sermon you’ve heard that spoke to your needs? How did the speaker accomplish this?


  • Why is it important to surface a need for your audience right away? Can you think of an example of a speech or sermon you’ve heard that spoke to your needs? How did the speaker accomplish this?

    Lynda Park replied 3 days, 19 hours ago 41 Members · 40 Replies
  • Susan Battle

    01/22/2022 at 11:20

    It is important to capture and keep the audience’s attention. If the subject matter does not interest them, they will shut down on the message you want to deliver. My Senior Pastor can weave stories and current events with scripture so well that I find myself on the edge of my seat most Sundays.

  • Terry

    01/02/2022 at 22:14

    If you don’t touch a need that your audience have you will lose their attention very quickly. A few years ago my pastor gave a sermon that spoke to a particular need that I had at that time although he didn’t know I was in need of anything, and he had my attention throughout his sermon. He did it by telling a short story about him having a need in the past that unknown to him was very similar to the need I had at that time.

  • Rafeal

    12/27/2021 at 01:03

    The sermon that was presented this morning by our pastor presented a question to us all. The message was titled ” Look to Jesus to help you and keep your eyes on Jesus. So the subtopic was , who do you look to when you find yourself in need. This title cause everyone to search their hearts for the answer.

  • Angela Lampkin

    12/14/2021 at 07:23

    To engage my attention.

  • Terry ann Hegglund

    11/15/2021 at 22:51

    To grab the audience’s attention.
    Many have spoke to my needs, because I could relate to it.

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