Lesson 1, Activity 4

Discussion Questions

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Christian Learning Center Forums Choose one or two of the obstacles to setting boundaries discussed in this lesson that you struggle with. Explain why this is an obstacle for you, and discuss specific strategies you might employ to overcome it.


  • Choose one or two of the obstacles to setting boundaries discussed in this lesson that you struggle with. Explain why this is an obstacle for you, and discuss specific strategies you might employ to overcome it.

    David Schorno replied 2 months, 1 week ago 13 Members · 12 Replies
  • Remona Burks

    09/04/2023 at 20:57

    I often put too much of myself into every situation that arises and have learned from doing this and finding myself burnt out, that from then on It must be a balance on how much I take on while the other person waits for me to figure out what to do at the same time im carrying their burden for them.

  • Elaine Chu

    02/10/2023 at 14:43

    Since we are all volunteers at church, knowing there are deadlines for many things, and others are not picking up their parts. I sometimes have to pick up more than others to get them done. When I am a leader without authority over the rest of the team, it is tough to set firm boundaries.

  • Brian Berkefeld

    06/06/2022 at 15:05

    Setting limits is my biggest obstacle that I struggle with. I often say yes to a lot of things that I need to say no to because it takes me away from time with my family. Setting boundaries based on time is a way to overcome this. By saying I will be with my family during these times and saying no to the things that would interfere with that.

  • Monica Moody

    05/02/2022 at 17:49

    Two obstacles to setting boundaries is always agree with everybody in stead of disagreeing sometimes and also making everybody satisfied all the time then making my on self satisfied.

  • Adrian Davis

    03/16/2022 at 15:12

    I am the leader that wants to make everyone happy and don’t want to disappoint anyone. So I will say yes even though I don’t feel led to do something, or say yes every time I’m asked to do something. Even if it causes an issue with my schedule personally or with my family. I struggle with saying no and not good at setting boundaries. Then I get upset that I didn’t say not and as a result, I’m burned out and the love I have for ministry is fading. I just have to learn to say no and set healthy boundaries.

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