Church Leadership and Administration
Lesson OneThe Church as the Context for Leadership3 Activities
Lesson TwoTeaching a Biblical View of Leadership3 Activities
Lesson ThreeLeadership Behavior: Three Biblical Models3 Activities
Lesson FourWhat Is Leadership?3 Activities
Lesson FiveHow Is Church Leadership Different?3 Activities
Lesson SixWhat Is Administration?3 Activities
Lesson SevenOrganizing Yourself and Your Tasks3 Activities
Lesson EightSetting and Achieving Goals3 Activities
Lesson NineRelating to Superiors and Subordinates3 Activities
Lesson TenControl as a Leadership Function3 Activities
Lesson ElevenMotivating Yourself and Others3 Activities
Lesson TwelveThe Process of Change3 Activities
Lesson ThirteenMaking Effective Decisions3 Activities
Lesson FourteenDelegation: The Key to Survival3 Activities
Lesson FifteenSupervising Workers3 Activities
Lesson SixteenLong-Range Planning3 Activities
Lesson SeventeenOrganizational Communication3 Activities
Lesson EighteenConducting Business Meetings3 Activities
Lesson NineteenEvaluation as a Leadership Tool3 Activities
Lesson TwentyQuality Control in Leadership3 Activities
Lesson Twenty-OneUnderstanding Spiritual Leadership3 Activities
Lesson Twenty-TwoSpiritual Leadership and the Success Syndrome3 Activities
Lesson Twenty-ThreeBalancing on the Leadership Ladder3 Activities
Lesson Twenty-FourTraining Other Leaders3 Activities
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 74
Discussion Questions
Christian Learning Center › Forums › How does a congregation achieve and practice mutual edification?
Tagged: ML501-01
How does a congregation achieve and practice mutual edification?
Abraham Alier replied 1 month, 1 week ago 13 Members · 13 Replies
The whole body grows and builds itself up through love and many acts of kindness.
We must be lead by the word of God, don’t forget to assemble
ourselves, study and pray together for the edification of the congregation
The people have to take personal responsibility to mature. To change their ways. The bible says not to forsake the gathering together which is also important for the body of Christ to do for its edification. Discipleship allows the body to grow from one another. There must be balance after coming to the Lord need to learn and grow in their faith. The church needs to be the church and be able to be mindful of each other. It is important for everyone in the body to know the are significant! Without people believing their significance leaves people without a purpose or a lack of value. I’m reminded of Nehemiah where everyone rebuilt their portion of the wall.
Leaders and pastors need to model servanthood, motivate people to truly commit themselves to continuous growth in the knowledge of the bible and spread the gospel as instructed by Christ.
By leaders recognizing giftings in others, mentoring them and releasing them into ministry in the church
Christian Learning Center › Forums › How is the church like a body, particularly with respect to its unity-in-diversity?
Tagged: ML501-01
How is the church like a body, particularly with respect to its unity-in-diversity?
Abraham Alier replied 1 month, 1 week ago 10 Members · 9 Replies
Singleness of heart, mind, body and spirit within the body of Christ as a whole.
As a body has many parts, so we are all different yet part of the same body
Unity-in-diversity is the kind of Christianity that brings people together to form one body. They have things in common, believe in the true God and they are blessed with spiritual gift which is very important when they come together as a body because the different gifts will help to prepare God’s people for work and services in the Kingdom.
The body is brought together by all who believe and have faith in one God and Father of all, one Lord Jesus and baptism in one Spirit. The same Spirit holds the diversely gifted members in one bond of peace; to each different gifts are given according to God’s good pleasure. Eph 4:1-16
The aim of the body, the church is towards maturity of all members. this is the role given to leaders by involving members in the work and mission of the church
Christian Learning Center › Forums › What do we mean by “congregating” new converts?
Tagged: ML501-01
What do we mean by “congregating” new converts?
Abraham Alier replied 1 month, 1 week ago 9 Members · 8 Replies
This meaning Christians meeting together but is not reliant on a fixed place or mode of gathering
We communicate the gospel to the the people and trust the Holy Spirit to do the work of conversion in their lives.
And the next thing is congregating , bringing them to the body of Christ. ( Belonging to a local church where they can be nurtured with the word to grow spiritually). -
Congregrating new converts simply means bring together or in affiliation/relationship with other existing members of the people of the same faith in Christ. In a way, it is like membership with the universal church but also the local church
Christian Learning Center › Forums › What is the difference between the universal church and the local church?
Tagged: ML501-01
What is the difference between the universal church and the local church?
Abraham Alier replied 1 month, 1 week ago 11 Members · 10 Replies
Universal church is the entire body of Christ regardless of time or location. The local church is a local expression of church locked into a location and time.
Universal church is the whole body of Christ world-wide, does not matter the church you belong to.
While the local church is a congregation meeting in a particular place where people come to worship , pray and fellowship. -
Universal is the whole church, worldwide. Local is the local congregation or church in a certain place
Universal church is the whole body of Christ, does not matter the church you belong to.
While the local church is a congregation meeting in a particular place where people come to worship , pray and fellowship. -
The universal church is a term used for the people of God, all who belong to Jesus Christ throughout history regardless of time and space.
Local church refers a group of committed believers in a particular location that organizes itself into a particular structure. The local church is a subset of the universal church within a specific and particular time and space. Biblically there is no distinction as all belong to God.