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Christian Learning Center Forums What did you learn about the Sermon on the Mount and/or Matthew’s gospel that you didn’t know prior to taking this lesson?


  • Claire Ganer

    01/01/2024 at 11:00

    I didn’t realize Matthew was the only one to write about this event.

  • Margaret Mosser

    12/30/2023 at 11:08

    I’ve read the Sermon on the Mount before, but never broke it down into the various sections like the lecturer did. I think doing that makes it easier to understand and process.

  • Judy Spengler

    12/27/2023 at 11:54

    I never really stopped to think about how well organized and purposeful it was.

  • Bob Dubois

    11/26/2023 at 11:25

    I had not looked at the book from the standpoint of how it was organized. This makes sense from the point of view as to why the book was written.

  • Tiffany Schroeder

    10/26/2023 at 09:09

    I have heard of the Sermon on the Mount. However, I did not know that the Sermon on Mount of Olives actually predicts end times. I find this interesting and fascinating. With all the recent events, I find myself drawn to studying the end times in the Bible so much more. My pastor preaches a lot on the narrow path and gate versus the wide path and gate. Being a Christ follower can be challenging at times, however it is important to remain holy and stay on the path. I really enjoyed this lesson.

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