Lesson 2, Activity 3

Discussion Questions

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Christian Learning Center Forums Why is it important to understand who Jesus’ teachings in the Sermon on the Mount were meant to apply to?


  • Sarah Walter

    09/25/2023 at 13:38

    It is important to understand to whom these apply because we need to know who is held accountable for the actions in alignment and not in alignment with them. When we know who is to be held accountable, we know who is responsible to uphold and meet these expectations.

  • Debra Groseclose

    09/24/2023 at 13:55

    It is important to understand that the sermon on the mount applies to all who follow Christ, so that we know how we should conduct ourselves while trying to become more like Christ.

  • Marcia Lowry

    08/30/2023 at 22:08

    It’s important to understand who Jesus was teaching to in a manner for their application of His truths. It was for all. If a culture, a people, felt the teachings were not for them, but say, only for the Jews, then His teachings to establish His Kingdom would have not been powerful. Establishing a Kingdom that was meant for ALL, parallels with the Spirit of Our God.


    08/17/2023 at 13:56

    So we are reminded that and remember that Jesus is speaking to us as individuals to let us know what His requirements for following Him are, and what the rewards will be for those who do. None of which are of material wealth.

  • Susan Keeney

    07/21/2023 at 07:02

    To make it personal for each person. So we can decide whether we want to follow Jesus or not, because here’s what He expects…

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