The Beatitudes of Jesus
Lesson OneThe Context of the Beatitudes3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson TwoMajor Approaches3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson ThreeReversals for the Unfortunate3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FourRewards for the Virtuous3 Activities|1 Assessment
Lesson FiveLuke's Blessings and Woes3 Activities|1 Assessment
Course Wrap-UpCourse Completion1 Activity|1 Assessment
Participants 179
Discussion Questions
Christian Learning Center › Forums › How did your study of the blessings and woes found in Luke 6 further your understanding of Jesus’ Beatitudes?
Tagged: NT035-05
How did your study of the blessings and woes found in Luke 6 further your understanding of Jesus’ Beatitudes?
Laila Oliveira replied 1 day, 12 hours ago 54 Members · 53 Replies
If I understood the speaker correctly, he said the “woes” were for believers and non believers? Or just non believers. If you have money as a Christian, you should be sharing it.
It furthered my understanding because it drove home the point of how important it is to live each day for Christ. Our attitudes and actions can give others hope.
Luke’s account of the Beatitudes feels more personal than Matthew, but both provide consistent and clear messages of what Jesus expects of his followers. This helped deepen my understanding of how consistent the Bible, though told through different perspectives, truly is. As educators, we must be ambassadors of Christ here on earth and be mindful of that in all actions and thoughts when correcting ourselves and others.
It is good to see that the lecturer has not neglected to deal with this parallel Luke passage on the beatitudes; most teachers just stay on the Matthew passage. Nevertheless, his teaching isn’t so clear-cut as it was in his previous lectures – I can’t say how this passage has furthered my understanding of the other passage. I note with interest though that Luke’s version balances the blessings with the woes. Is it to say that there is no choice? – if we do not choose God’s ways, we not only miss the blessings, but we receive the curses instead?
Before this study, I read and only understood the Beatitudes as what Christ sees, and what He considers to be the characteristics of His followers. And what we can expect. Now, I also see in the Beatitudes, the depth of Jesus’s compassion for the whole world. God’s original intent in creating us was Love. To me, the Beatitudes in Matthews and Luke coincide beautifully with “For God so loved the world He sent Jesus.”
In plain language, the Beatitudes say to me– “I see you, I understand you, I’m here for you. Don’t worry, things are going to change.”